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Hay everybody. I hope you like this chapter and book. Well I really don't have anything to say so I'm just going to go to the story.


Beast boy's pov

I told the others that they have to stay outside when we got to the house I used to live in. They understood and let me go. When I went in I saw Arcdoce Standing there as if he new I would come early.

"You have the necklace or the money?" he asked.

"I have the necklace. So give me Raven."

"Not so fast I need to see that you have the actual necklace."

I tossed it to him not wanting to get close to him and he looked at it. He then went into a room behind him and pulled Raven out by the hair. My eyes got wide when I saw her. She had bruises on her legs, arms, face, anywhere you could have bruises she had at least one there. She also had cuts everywhere. She was bleeding and wincing in pain. I forgot all about being cautious and ran over to her. When I was on my knees next to her I was kicked by Arcdoce.

"You think I wouldn't know if you gave me a fake! I can see that this isn't the real one!"He said stomping on my stomach making me spit up blood. "I knew you were too cheap to bring me the real one so I punished your girl already. But now that I think of it I don't think I caused her enough pain!" he started to walk towards Raven.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!!!!!" I yelled tackling him so he fell to the ground.

"If your going to be like that I'm going to make you pay too." he said pulling out a gun while I stood up. " Say hello to my baby. I put every piece of this gun together to make sure I would kill anything I shoot. And you are going to be the first animal that I will put on the wall. I could hear as it powered up ready to fire. My life flashed in front of my eyes. It was terrible until I met doom patrol and it got even better when I met the people who are now the teen titans.

"When I opened my eyes again I saw the gun fire and someone jump in front of me. The person was blown back and hit me. I was blown back and hit the wall. When I looked down I saw a dying Sofia in my arms.

"Beast boy. I need you to do something for me." She said. I could hear how much it hurt her to talk.


"I need to to bring my body to the love of my life. His name is Travis. I also need you to go kill him and get the love of you life back."

"I will. I promise."

" Tha..." She died before she could finish. I let myself cry on her shoulder.

"Oh boo hoo." Arcdoce said.


Sorry it is short I just. wanted to finish before my friend had to go to bed. I hope you like it I tried to do my saddest death without being too unrealistic because it is me who is dying.

I hope you liked it

Love is in the air (bbxrae and robxstar)Where stories live. Discover now