50th CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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WOW!!!! I can't believe it has been 50 chapters already!!! I want to thank all of my readers who made me keep on going. You guys helped me make it through writers block! Well I know most of you will be sad but soon I am going to end this book. But don't be sad!!!! I will soon make a sequel to this book!!!!!! When the book is over I will make sure to update saying my sequel is posted!!!!!

I really hope you like this chapter!!!!!!!


Raven's pov

I felt even more pain as I tried to push out the baby. Cyborg was the doctor helping me and he kept on telling me to breathe and push. If only I had Beast boy to comfort me now. At least I had Starfire and Robin. I looked up for the first time and saw that Starfire had a ton of scratches and bruises. She was bleeding but I don't think she cared. I looked to Robin and saw the same thing. His mask was cut and I could see his eyes. They were a light blue. He, like everyone else, was crying.

"Raven I need you to push!!" Cyborg told me.

After what felt like years of pain, bad words, crying, squeezing hands, and more pain the baby finally was out. Cyborg took of his jacket suit and put the baby in it. He then handed me my baby and he wrapped his arm around Bee.

My baby had beautiful green skin, purple hair, and huge green eyes under all the blood. I cried out of remembrance of my now dead love and out of happiness for my new baby.

"Cyborg, is it a girl or a boy?" I asked.

"It is a........." his answer was cut off by the man I love yelling "RAVEN WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" . My eyes shot open the second I heard his voice. "RAVEN!!!!!!!!!" He screamed as he saw me open my eyes.

"What just happened" I asked while sitting up. I was still crying.

"You were screaming and crying in your sleep. I was really scared. Raven, what happened?" he asked. I told him everything that happened. Every detail. By thae time I finished we were both crying. I grabbed him into a tight and long hug. He moved his hand in circles on my back in order to calm me down as I cried onto his shoulder.

"If your father does come and tries to kill me I want you to do exactly what you did in your dream."

"Don't say that!"

"Raven, if Trigon were to ever do that I would rather be killed by you then by Trigon. Please promise me you will do that for me."

"I will do anything you want me to." And with that we both fell asleep hugging each other.

It has been exactly four weeks since that night. Every night since then I have had the same dream. They all feel so real. In all my dreams nl matter what I do Beast boy still dies and I always have a baby. Every time I ask what gender the baby is I am cut off by either Beast boy waking me or I wake up myself.

Even though I can feel the dark circles under my eyes I still have to get up early today. For one reason. Today is Thanksgiving! Beast boy won't be home till 6 or 7p.m. because he said he has some business he needs to attend to. He seemed really serious and he teleported to somewhere so he couls be anywhere. I'm not all that worried though. He has both our powers so he can take care of himself. As for me, I have Bee.

Beast boy made sure to have her come over to watch me. I really don't need her but I do love to hang out with her. She is helping me cook which is good for Beast boy and I cause I can't cook.

Beast boy's pov

I told Raven I had to go do something but I didn't tell her what I was going to do. I didn't want her to worry. As I walked down the alley I could just barely smell blood and an unknown smell. I followed the unknown smell and it stopped at a pawn shop. How can someone steal a wedding ring from someone, shoot them and then j ust run off? It made my blood boil when I thought about it. As I walked into the pawn shop the worker looked up at me.

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