45th chapter!!!!!

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Hiiiiiiii! sorry I haven't updated in forever ( 2-5 days) I just am stuck a little. Also I'm sorry if you don't like this chapter my doctor called and told me I have the dreaded....... writers block!!!! Well any ways I hope you like this book and please give me some ideas!!!!! 


             Beast boy's pov

         Instead of going to the tower like Raven was probably thinking I drove past it to Sofia's house. I needed to tell her about Raven being pregnant since she is my best friend and I also needed to ask her something. When we got there I knocked on the door and waited for a minute till the door opened.

       " Oh hay Beast boy!! How's everything?" Sofia asked. When she looked over to Raven her eyes got big. "WOW!!! Are you pregnant?" She added surprised.

      "Can we come in?" I asked.

                 "huh?.. Oh yea sure." she said snapping oit of her day dream.  "Travis,  we have visitors!!!!" she yelled to behind her.

                "Ok!!!!" Was the response I heard from Travis. "Hey BB,  how's everything man? Any of you want a bear?" he asked kindly.

               " No, I don't drink and Raven can't drink right now." I told him while putting my hand on Raven's stomach.

             "How come?...... OH MAN IS SHE PREGNANT!?!?!?!?!" He asked surprised.

               "Yes" I heard Raven say with a hint of sadness in her voice.

               "And that is why we are here. We need your help." I told both of them with.

              "Sure, what's up?" Sofia asked.

                 After about 30 minutes later we finished explaining everything to them. I could see they were scared, surprised, happy for us, and excited.  "Ooooo I can't wait to see your dau ...." Sofia started to say then stopped herself.  " I mean I can't wait to see your...um... your kid that could be a girl?!?" she added but it was more of a question.  I just looked at Travis.  He looked like he wanted to say something but Sofia gave him a "I will kill you if you say anything" look. Now I know something is definitely up.

               " Why do you think it is a girl?" I asked.

              "Umm well I can tell the future.  And I can tell it is going to be a girl." Sofia told us looking at Raven's stomach.

             "Good then you can help us even more than I thought. I am afraid about what will happen. In the future do we end up defeating Trigon or do we end up dyeing? " I asked Sofia.

              "I wish I can help you but I only see fragments of the future and I can't choose what I see. The only thing I can see is you guys going out to fight Trigon. I really do wish I could see more." She told me truthfully.

                "I know you do.Thanks for what you have given us." I told her.

               "So when's the wedding?" Travis asked.

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