Josh and Jillian

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       Hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! Ooooooo guess what! I have a question for you! ok, so have any of you noticed a pattern in my books? I'll give you a hint, who is always in my book? Please comment and tell me what you think the answer is! I will put a list up saying who got it right!


         Raven's pov

         I watch as Abishan breaths in his sleep. Beast boy and I finally got him to go to bed after around an hour. As for Ivy, she loves to sleep. If we put her in her crib she will fall asleep and stay asleep for hours. What surprised me the most is that they both tend to go to sleep at night already. I thought it would take a while to get them to go to sleep at night and not as much as the day but it only took them a couple of weeks.

        Beast boy let out a loud sigh as he laid down onto our bed. "I hope soon they will go to sleep easier."

       "They will." I reassured him as I laid down next to him.

        "At least they have their own room so we don't have to be really quiet."

        We had given the kids Beast boy's old room so Beast boy now lives in my room. It is nice not having the kids in the same room.

           Time jump!

        "Why does my stomach have to get so big?" Starfire asked as I sat down next to her.

        "Well you have a baby inside you."

         "I know. It's just... I need to go shopping for some clothes." she said. She really has gotten good with English.  The class she is taking is helping her understand how to talk how most people talk.

          "Ok, I'll go with you if someone will watch my kids."

        "Ooooooo can I watch them!?!" Jillian asked.

         "Sure! That was easy."

          Another time jump!

          After shopping for hours Starfire and I came home. Josh, he is really nice and cool, said he had something really special he wanted to ask during dinner so we are going to be eating fancy tonight. The table is set, the food is almost done, and the food is almost ready. Good. I didn't want Josh to be sad that we ordered pizza so I made some food tonight.

          I made spaghetti, salad, a green thing Starfire said I should make, Tofu things, macaroni pie, waffles, hot dogs, steak, split pea soup, mashed potatoes, gravy, steak, and fries for diner. For dessert I made a marble cake, red velvet cupcakes, pudding, a purple glob that Starfire also said I should make, ice cream, and a few different kinds of pie. Hopefully I didn't go over board with this. Josh did seem pretty excited about whatever he is going to do. I wanted to make whatever he it special.

        "You almost done with everything?" Josh asked as he walked into the kitchen.

        "Yes, but the pies won't be done for another ten min....." I was cut off by Beast boy jumping in.

        "Is the food done yet? In starving!" Beast boy whined. I shot him a evil glare and he stopped talking.

        "Ok! Everyone to the table! It is time to eat!" I shouted. Everyone was at the table in less than a second.

         Once I put the food on the table everyone dug in. I sat down in a chair. Beast boy on my right and Jillian on my left. Jillian looked at me with a  huge smile on her face.

        "Thab od ksw besk food I've sker dazted!" she told me with a mouth full of food but I understood what she said. I've been with Beast boy long enough to be pretty good at understanding what people are saying with food in their mouths. She said "This is the best food I've ever tasted!".

        "Thank you Jillian."

        I heard a glass being lightly hit with a fork so I looked up. Josh was standing up next to Jillian and he was holding the glass and fork. "I have a question to ask Jillian!" he announced to everyone.  He then got down on one knee and he got out a small box. When he opened the box I saw inside was a huge diamond ring.

       "Will you marry me?" he asked Jillian.

       "Yes!" Jillian said. She hugged him as he got up. I'm glad after all these years she found someone that she loves.


     I've decided to make this the end of this book!

       I would love it if you commented saying what you think  the answer is to my question!

       Thanks for reading!

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