1. Black

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Did you ever feel like you are the last person on Earth and no one around you gives a damn about you? Well, I feel like that every single day. Every single day. Every single day, I am left alone in my sea of thoughts. Every single day, I wish was dead. Dead and Forgotten. Wish I had a life like others. Wish that I had a family like others did.

I stare at my wrists. The scratches and the blood marks and the skin covering it, all show how depressed I am. My face swollen from constant crying.

I hate myself. True.

I often think of death. True.

Suicide is a reasonable option. True.

Everyone around me became my enemy. People say that I am a coward for choosing to give up, but people don't know that sometimes it's better to give up than fight back. I have two choices. First, live with the panic, crying myself to sleep, anxiety, and self harm and the agony from my incurable illness. Second, I could make all of it end forever.

But, I am deep, so deep to fight back.

Depression stole my family.

My friends.

My motivation.

My dreams.

My future.

My life.


It's like you are screaming as loud as you can, but no one can hear. No one cares. It's like you are dying on the inside and it is slowly seeping out to your sides. You are always feeling alone and lonely, no matter how many people are around you. No one can help and it actually hurts to smile. You can't sleep properly, can't eat properly. In whole, you can't live properly. If this is how my life is going to be, I don't want it anymore.


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