2. New

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I stare at the reflection in front of me in the mirror. The girl looks dead outside, with prominent dark circles under her eyes, probably from the lack of sleep, and her eyes dull, with no trace of joy in them. The girl could easily pass for a broke person, if it wasn't for the expensive clothes she was wearing. The scars on her wrists, a lifeless pair of eyes, and timid body posture are a dead giveaway that this girl isn't some rich lass as everyone think she is.

I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts. I search for my bracelets, which help to cover up the scars. I braid my hair and take my backpack and head downstairs. Today is the first day of school, so it's a bit strange to wake up early in the morning to go to school. Even through this, I feel a bit relieved that this is my senior year, and from next year, I won't have anything to do with these people. I will have my own life and I will live it the way I want to.

My mom and my dad are sitting in their chairs, with their newspapers and their coffees in front of them. It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes at them. They are like this every single day, ignorant and all business-like. Sometimes I wish I had a sibling, but then again I feel happy that I don't have any sibling, or else they have to face the same torture as me.

I grab a granola bar from the fridge and leave the house without even greeting my parents. It is not like they expect a greeting, they are used to the silent mornings. I get in to the bus and sit in my usual seat. I lean against the window and close my eyes, thinking about all the worst things which could possibly happen in school.


I walk through the hallways with a question in my mind which haunted me for years. How can everyone be so happy all the time? What might be the secret? Or are they all secretly depressed and they forcibly smile and laugh just to cover up their sadness?

I don't feel any different though. It's all the same. Same whispers, same gossips, same curious stares and questioning gazes. I feel nostalgic, all the past memories eating up my brain again. I walk to my first class, calculus and take my usual seat in the back. Minutes later, my best friend rushes into the class and takes a seat beside me.

"Hello, there." She says breathlessly.

"Hi, Annora." I give her a small smile.

Annora and I have been friends since my childhood. She is the only person I trust in this whole world, except Mr. Burton. Mr.Burton is my principal, but he is like a father figure to me. During my freshman year, he got to know about my situation and tried to help me since then. He has been nothing but nice to me.

"Did you talk to Mr.Burton?" She asks.

"No. Why should I?"

"He said he had something to tell you," she says and bends down to take out her books. I shake my head and open my notebook.

I push all the other thoughts and stare straight ahead, towards the blackboard, even though I know nothing which is being explained in the class could possibly get into my head.


"Mr.Burton, you wanted to talk?" I ask him.

"For the millionth time Adira, call me Geoffrey," He says with a small smile. "And yes, I wanted to ask you something."

I play with my bracelets and say, "If this is about another therapy, then we aren't having this conversation today, Geoffrey. I am way too worked up today and this would only add to the stress."

He sighs at my words. "Just hear me out, Adira."

I shake my head dismissively.

"Adira, I heard that you aren't attending to the therapy, why?"

"I am not interested,"

"It is not about your interests over here, it's about what's good for you and what isn't. This is your third therapy and all the three have complained that you don't as much as open your mouth in front of them. How many days are you going to continue this?"

"Why should I tell my problems to some bloke?" I say angrily.

He rolls his eyes. "Well, this 'bloke' is trying to help you, but you don't seem to get the point."

"How can assure me that he won't harm me?"

"You have to trust them, Adira. Give it one last try. Do it for yourself, not for anyone else." He pleads.

I stare at him, my face blank. His face holds a pleading expression. I think about what could go wrong about another counselling. All that I have to do is sit over there, in front of him or her, ignoring all their questions and when the time is up, I will get up from my seat and move out without even greeting them goodbye. That's it. Simple.

I nod at him and finally say, "Okay."


A/N: Please vote and comment. :)

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