6. Sanguine

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"What are we doing in a book shop, Harry?" I ask, scanning the books.

"Don't you like books? You told me loved Jane Austen," He raises his eyebrows.

"I do like books, well I love them!" I say. He chuckles at the cheerfulness in my voice.

"Well, I wanted to buy you a book. It is a very good one." He nods at me.

He walks to the self-help books' area, and begins to search for something.

Self-help? Oh no. I have that I know where this is going.

"Harry, what are you searching for?" I ask nervously.

He turns around with a yellow book is his hands and grins at me. "This."

He hands me the book and it reads, 'Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy'. My hands start to sweat and I swallow the lump in my throat. I already know what this book is about: Depression.

Harry notices my inconvenience and says, "Hey, hey, don't get so nervous, love. It is just for you to understand yourself more properly. No harm. Okay?"

I slowly nod and his smiles at me. "Let's go buy this."


"I used to come here with my mum during the evenings." Harry says while throwing a rock in the lake.

Right now, we are sitting on the grass in front of my favourite getaway location. Shelley Lake.

I look over at him and I find him staring at me. "You seem to love her a lot." I hum at him.

He nods and says, "I do, I love her a lot. She is my best friend."

"She sounds like a good person." I smile at him.

"She is. She is amazing. She knows me better than anyone else. She loves me so much even if I am-" Suddenly he stops himself.

"Even if you are what?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He mutters. His eyebrows are pulled low and he seems to thinking deeply.

"You okay, Harry?" I ask, concerned.

Concerned? Since when are you feeling concerned, Adira?

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts.

"Yes, I am fine." He snaps. Well, that was something.

Shocked by his outburst, I raise my hands in defence. He apologizes and we sit there silently.

"My parents died when I was 6," he starts and I listen intently. "I don't even remember how they look like or what are their names, I just know how they died. The time before their death is all blank. I don't remember a single thing. I used live in New York with my parents. After their death, their best friends, Hailey and Jack adopted me, because my parents requested in their will. Hailey and Jack brought me here, to Raleigh and looked after me. They were so caring that I almost never felt my parent's absence. Hailey and Jack had two kids. Heidi is older to me, and Finnick is younger, I was the middle one. We were the best siblings. Hailey is now what I call as my mum, and Jack, my dad. I am telling you this because, Adira, when you feel like your life is coming to an end and you feel helpless about it, there is always hope. There is always someone who is looking out for you, no matter how much you deny it. After my parents' death, I was so depressed. But when I met Hailey and Jack, I knew there was hope for me again. Just remember that there is hope for you too. I won't ask you what went wrong with you, that is your personal life, it's your choice when you want to talk about it. But don't forget that there is always hope for you. Always." He finishes and grins widely at me.

I smile at him as tears flow down my cheeks. I hadn't realised I was crying until now. Harry notices this and before I know it, he pulls me into his arms. I hug him back and he rocks me slowly. We stay like that for good two minutes before I pull back.

"Why are you crying?" He whispers.

"It feels good to know that someone actually cares about me." I tell him honestly.

"I will always be there for you, no matter what."

I give him a grateful smile and he says, "I never told any of my patients that."

He sounds vulnerable. "Then why me?" I question.

"I don't know. Honestly, you are like more than a patient to me. You are the first patient I have ever tried out this stuff with."


"Taking them to yoga classes, buying them books and opening up to them. You are a first." He tells me which makes me slightly blush.

"Do you ever think about your parents?" I can't help but ask him.

"I do, always. I think about how different my life would be if they were alive. But dwelling over them isn't going to get me anywhere, so I learnt how to get over them." He smiles.

"And how is that?"

"Mostly travelling. When you travel, you blend in the nature and forget about all your problems. All you care about is your surroundings, you know?"

I shrug. "Well, I wouldn't know because I have never been out of Raleigh."

He gasps dramatically. "You are kidding."

I shake my head. "No, I am not."

"You've never been out of Raleigh?" He widens his eyes.

Something about the way he looks makes me laugh. "That's what I said, didn't I?"

"Jesus, that must be boring. Always staying in the same place."

I roll my eyes at him. "My parents were always busy, and I never had the chance to travel with them. And I always had something to occupy myself with."

"You know what? We should go on a road trip!" He suggests.

I stare at him, "What?"

"Yeah! Let's go on a road trip. Just you and me. It will be fun, we can just drive through North Carolina, not other states. We can go during your spring break."

"Harry, are you listening to yourself?"

"Please, we will have a lot of fun! I promise." He swears. 

"Uh, Harry, I seriously don't know where this is coming from, but I will think about it, okay?"

He laughs and nods at me.

But the idea of a road trip sounds intriguing though.

Beside me, Harry is deep in thoughts again. "What are you thinking about?" I ask.

He smirks. "You won't about it."

I raise an eyebrow. "Enlighten me, then."

He fake gasps and says, "Ooh, just 3 days since we met and you are already quoting fifty shades. Damn girl."

I roll my eyes at him. Seriously, I tend to do that a lot around him.

3 days. It's been 3 days since we met. But why does it feel like I know him since forever?


QOTC: Why do you think Adira feels so comfortable around Harry in such a short period of time?

A/N: Double update! Please vote and comment!

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