5. Relax

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The sound of my phone ringing on the bedside table annoys me to no extent. Who is calling me this early anyway? I place my laptop away and answer without even looking at the ID.


"Adira, what are you doing?"

What? Oh, my god. I hope it is not who I think it is. I must have went into a trance, because he was calling out for me.

"Adira? Hello, Adira? Are you there?"

"Mr. Styles?" I ask nervously.

"Yes, it's me. I want you to meet me in front of your house in 10 minutes." He says casually.

Dumbfounded, I ask, "Um, what?"

He sighs. "I said I want you to meet me in front of your house in 10, I want to take you somewhere."

Did he seriously suggest that? "I am not going anywhere with you." I say sternly.

"Oh, come on, Adira. I already told you that I am not going to harm you in anyway! You just have to trust me.And don't even get started telling me you have school. Please, I just need you for a couple of hours."

I close me eyes and try to convince myself that he is safe. He is not going to harm me. I bite my lip and ask, "Where are we going?"

He breathes a sigh of relief and says, "It is a surprise and yeah, wear something comfortable. Don't wear jeans. Wear spandex pants or something. Okay?"

Everything he is saying is confusing the hell out of me. "Okay." I answer and cut the call.


"What am I doing in yoga pants and a t-shirt at 5am in the morning, Harry?" I ask him.

Few minutes back, he insisted that I call him Harry, rather than Mr. Styles. He told me that it makes him feel old. I just rolled my eyes at that.

"Have patience, Adira," He says in a sing song voice.

His playfulness is sometimes quite annoying, but at times, entertaining too? I am seriously shocked that I am giving into him day by day.

"We're here!" He says cheerfully.

I look out and see what he is pointing at.

"Yoga?!" I screech.

He grins at me and bobs his head up and down. Out of nowhere he removes two yoga mats and shoves one in my hands.

"C'mon dear, we have a yoga class to attend." He says teasingly.

"What the fuck? I am not going anywhere! First of all, what made you even come up with the idea of yoga?" I sneer.

"Well, you are always so tensed up. And I know you could use some relaxation. And yoga is the best relaxation!" He smiles encouragingly.

I think about it for a few seconds and groan. Harry smiles in triumph when he is notices me opening the car door.

"I seriously cannot believe you are forcing me into this yoga shit," I gritted.

"Oh, come on. Don't be so tensed," He rolls his eyes playfully.

"How long is this?"

He shrugged, "An hour."

I groan again and follow him inside.


"Welcome, everyone!" The sickeningly happy instructor spoke with a big smile which was etched too far on her face. "Welcome to the new comers too!" She said, pointing at me and Harry. "I think it is a great idea if you all go introduce yourself."

"I fucking hate this." I mutter.

Harry slapped my arm and shushed me. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"For new comers, I am Vishali." The instructor said.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This could not get any worse.


"Now after the cobra position, let's do the twisting triangle and extended triangle position." She says.

My whole body is aching from working out, but as much as I hate to admit it, the burn makes me relax.

"You holding up good?" Harry asks.

I nod and continue to follow her instructions.

After half hour of different poses, we are being instructed how to do the table top pose.

"Balance your weight on your hands and on your toes. Look up straight and face the ceiling," She instructs.

We try to balance our weight and perform the asana. Beside me, Harry is struggling to balance.

After trying a lot of times, I accomplish and staring at the ceiling. A thud comes from beside. I turn sideways and see Harry rubbing his bum. He was cursing to himself and something about that causes a lot of amusement. I snort and a bubble of laughter escapes. I soon realise that I laughed, and cover me mouth with my hand. It doesn't go unnoticed by Harry though, his eyes are wide just like mine, shocked that I laughed. I laughed. And it felt good.

"Did you just fall on your bum?" I ask, smiling.

He smiles widely when he notices me smiling, "Yeah."

The way he admitted it so sheepishly makes me laugh again. This time he joins me too. And apparently we laughed too loud that people actually turned around to loo at us. We smiled apologetically at them. Some give us dirty glares and some roll their eyes.

Harry turns to me and winks at me. Which causes me to chuckle and shake my head.


"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He asks while driving.

The rest of the class was filled with us giggling and chuckling and the people glaring at us. I really do enjoy his company.

"I guess not," I answer him. I really do feel relaxed, in a new way.

"But my ass hurts." He pouts.

That causes me to laugh as hard as the first time. "That was so hilarious!" I say, slapping my thigh.

He shows me the finger and rolls his eyes. I giggle.

"Are we going tomorrow too?" I ask him hopefully.

"Eager? I like that." He smirks at me.

First time, after days of our meeting, I actually find him attractive. His curly hair, his dark green eyes, his dimples, his pink lips. If I didn't know any better, I would mistake him for a French model. He had the looks and the confidence.

"Staring is not a nice trait, Ms. Davis. But to answer your question, we are doing something different tomorrow."

My cheeks burn at the thought of him catching me staring at him. "I wasn't staring." I mutter.

He chuckles, "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Shut up. By the way, where are we going tomorrow?" I ask.

"It's a surprise."

I roll my eyes. "Why am I not shocked by your response?"

He shakes his head and his eyes focus on thee road.

"But don't you think I have reached my share of surprises?" I ask him.

"Oh, Adira, as long as you are with me, I will make sure you are surprised every single day."

"Is that supposed be a challenge?"

He laughs. "Take it as whatever you want."

After a couple of minutes, he pulls up in front of the gates and I open my door. I get down and send him a little wave. Before I can turn around , Harry shouts my name. I look at him in a questioning manner.

"You are really beautiful when you smile, Adira. Keep smiling." He says with a wink.

And before I can respond, he drives away, leaving me all flustered.


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