Chapter 1: Mysterious boy

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  Eloiuse had only been two when they took her away. Her parents had objected but they had no power and they soon complied with it, if only it meant that their one and only daughter would be safe from all of the chaos and war that had been going on in the last 6 years.
Just like all the other children. They were all taken away and seen into a land of paradise , the Government's only hope for the future of Earth. They were the future generation, they were the key to the peace.
Though they don't know that, they don't know it was all fake. They had no idea and they wanted it to stay that way, for the benefit of the children.
And for the benefit of Eliouse.

She ran through the garden, placing one foot before the other, her brown leather boots hitting the soft soiled ground.
Her loose brown hair flowing behind her and lips parted. She breathed in and out, her chest wall rising and falling.
She stopped for a minute to catch her breath. Tall trees surrounded her, some had carvings of creatures that once roamed the land and some were just naturally beautiful. The grass was greener than elegy that grew on the rocks near the beach, The sky clearer than any crystal.
Oh, how beautiful is Pandora. To Eliouse it was everything, she couldn't be more proud to be born in such a magical place, a vast land full of beauty and grace.
It was her home and she loved it. She started off again, heading towards the city's central square. Before she came up to the two main gates that where the entrance to the city, a hand grabbed the back of her coat, yanking her backwards. She staggered and almost fell but she recovered her balance, hurling around.
"You're too fast, Eliouse." He panted but only a broad smile came about her face. She patted his back as he doubled over, hand on his thighs and taking in breaths dramatically.
"You should learn to keep up, Grave." She boasted. Yes, she was the best. She was the fastest kid in Pandora.
When she ran, she was like a snake on the waves, like lightning in the storm. She was fast to put it lightly.
Graves pushed back his slick blonde hair, his icy blue eyes on Eliouse's back as she led him into Pandora.
"Did Mariar question why you hadn't completed the chores?" He asked but all Eliouse gave to response was a nodd. "ah, let me guess...'I tell you every time Eliouse! You'll be the death of me, I'm not even fifty yet! Lord have mercy'!" Grave put on his most mature middle-aged voice and intimidated Mariar, Eliouses caretaker.
They both let out deafening laughs, Eliouse still bewildered how he could do it so well every time.
"Very true, I told her that I'd do it when I got back" Eliouse let out a groan which changed into a chuckle.

Mariar was Eliouse's caretaker, just like every other child in the city of Pandora, none of them had parents. Which Eliouse had found odd, no one knew where they were, just randomly children would show up and no questioned it.
That was just how it was and soon Eliouse dropped it. She just let it slide, deciding not to pry too much further in case she found out something she wasn't mean to.
Grave too was also one of the children that just randomly showed up. It was a tender subject they had never talked about though, even if they had been together since the day she could remember, they both decided that they shouldn't talk about it.
Eliouse had always felt she was so close to her parents but so far, Like they were just around the corner but she'd have to run forever to catch up to them.
Grave had felt this way too.
They reached the city square. Children filled the streets and so did adults. Marketers killing their voice box as their deafening voice boomed the streets with their expensive products no one had the money to buy.
It was the usual. "Come on Grave, let's go buy some of Jack's bread." Eliouse motioned her hand for him to follow as she sprinted off into the crowd.

She came around the corner to see the stall. Her eyes lit up like a city in the night. Like the festival they had each month. Dribble was almost visible in her mouth. She halted to a stop in front of the stall.
"Jack!" She yelled and the old man looked towards his way, a cigar sticking out of his mouth and his grey hair sticking out everywhere. He grunted.
"Eliouse!" Graves voice called as he caught up with her.

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