Chapter 9: So lost in two worlds

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  "There's no way!" Jen shouted at Ethan.
Ethan bit his lip, thinking of a way to persuade Jen to let the plan fall through. "Jen, This is the only way we can do this." he hissed, leaning in, pointing at the map on the marble table. Jen crossed her arms and shook her head, anger burning in her eyes.
"I don't want to do this again, Ethan..." She breath and ran a hand through her blonde hair, "I don't want to argue, I don't want to lose everyone again..".

Ethan turned away and thought about it, then a second later let out a cry in frustration. "Jen! We have to not only save Eliouse but the others! Yes, I am worried about Eliouse but I'm also worried about the kids who were stolen." He spouted and Jen bit back her jealousy.
As much as she wanted, she couldn't dismiss it. She wanted to shove the green monster down but instead every time he mentioned Eliouse, it came back up and out of her throat, ready to destroy everything- their relationship. She shook her head and hyperventilated through her nose, pressing her hands against the table.
"I know that! I know you care! But you just have this strange obsession with this girl-..." Jen stopped, "You have a strange obsession with her and I can't help but think about the way you feel about her..." Jen broke off, tilting her head to the side, catching Ethan leaning against the table with his arms crossed in her peripheral vision.

Ethan sneered, pushing himself away from the table. "Are fucking kidding me, Jen? People are dying and people are being captured by Atlas right this moment but yet the one thing your worrying about is about my feelings for Eliouse?" He spat.
She didn't reply, instead averted her eyes away from his, tears dwelling at the top.

She muttered something under her breath and ran a hand through her hair, breathing out. "Listen, Ethan. Every time we bring this up, we end up arguing. I don't want to do this," She told, nodding her head and turning around, "I just want to help those kids, I'm trying not to be like this but I'm so scared of losing you to another girl..." She muttered. When Jen turned back around, long arms eloped around her, tugging her into a sea of warmth.
Tears started to fall down her cheeks as she sobbed against Ethan's shoulder.
"You don't have to worry about losing me, Jen. I promise I'll always be here for you." He whispered into her ear and she shook her head, pushed herself away and wiped the tears all gone.
"Yeah, I know..." She replied.

The doors swung open, Ethan and Jen pulled themselves apart, swivelling towards the door. A girl stood at the door, huffing and puffing followed by rushing footsteps.
"We have sight of Dorian Ulbrecht!" She yelled across the room.

Ethan and Jen both looked at each other before running out of the room and towards command centre. The stampede of feet ran through the halls before the white, metal door banged open and they ran to the desk full of screens of computers. 4 Recipients sat at the desk, headsets attached to their ears and their fingers bouncing along the control panel.
"We have visual sight on Wing B2, East side, Locked in." One of them muttered to Jen as she hunched over, staring at the multiple cameras. The girl zoomed in and the screen showed a Black SUV rolling down the overrun roads.
"How do you know it's him?" Jen asked, observing the car.

The girl pushed a blue button and the footage reminded minutes before the car started moving. It showed a man wearing a grey suit with the window down, the exact features same features as Dorian Ulbrecht. The computer matched the man up with a picture Dorian's ID and Jen nodded, "Holy fucking shit, it's really him." She said with a grin.
"What are the coordinates now?" Jen asked.
"Y- 173, 762, X- 810, 537, 10 minutes away from the Hohenzollern Bridge" the girl stated, tilting her head to look at Jen.
Jen paused for a moment, thinking.
"How many Missiles do we intact?" Jen asked again and the girl replied straight away.
"10 neutral, 2 inactive and 4 ready for fire."

Jen nodded and leaned back and crossed her arms. "Did you say 10 minutes away from Hohenzollern Bridge?" Jen questioned, not taking her eyes off the rolling car. The car with the man who destroyed everything she loved.
The girl nodded, "Yes, Chief."
"Get ready to fire." Jen said straight away and everyone turned to look at her as if she was crazy.
"Chief! If we fire now, there's a chance we might get hit as well, these missiles have a impact rate of 100 meters." The girl argued, jumping out of her seat.
Jen shook her head.

"I understand that but this may be the chance we can take Atlas down." She said sternly. The girl battered her eyelashes in disbelief.
"Chief....-" The girl started again but was cut off.
"If we fire now, We'll miss hitting the Hohenzollern Bridge. The damage will be far more worse if we target him on the bridge, we have no choice but to fire now." Jen stated, raising her voice across the room. Everyone stood quiet.
The girl nodded, she then turned on her mic and said soft- spoken into it;
"Get ready to fire in 2 minutes."
everyone stood in utter silence as the missiles were getting ready to launch, fear and guilt tearing them up.

There was communication between the girl and the responders on the other end. The girl turned towards Jen who look pleased and worried. "On your order, Chief." The girl said with a linger of fear and hatred, as if the word 'Chief' hung all their lives on the line.

Jen rubbed her mouth with her thumb, waiting a few seconds for SUV to roll past the bridge signs.
she dropped her arms by her side and boomed the heart aching word that seemed to end multiple lives.


"Are we really allowed to do this?" Eliouse whispered to Hunter as they crouched down behind the wall.
He laughed quietly with Eliouse staring at his firm back.
"Relax, I've done this plenty of times." He seemed to reassure her but Eliouse couldn't ignore the sick feeling in her gut.
"If you say so." She contemplated about going back. Just a turn away was the door that led to Dorian's Office. The one she had gone in the day she first came here.
Guards swooned the place.
"We need a distraction, Laina." Hunter turned around to say to Laina. She nodded and started to tear at her clothing. Eliouse watched in confusion.
Laina then got up out of her crouching position and walked out behind the white-washed walls and out in the open.

"Somebody help!" Laina yelled at the guards then the sound of their feet rushing over to her.
"What's  wrong?" One of them asked. Laina pretended to stutter and point towards the end of the hallway.
"I- I tried to stop them! but they were just so...." she sobbed. One of them patted her shoulder,
"I understand, lead us the way." One of them ordered and Laina turned around.
Just as she ran past Eliouse, she mouthed something.
'5 minutes top.'
Hunter slowly grew a smile when the guards disappeared around the corner.
"Impressive." He muttered.

They all got up and ran low level to the door. Hunter checked to see no one was watching and slowly creaked it open. Eliouse slipped in to Dorian's office.
It was entirely different from when she was in here- when she had first used her magic. The white, creamy walls were now replaced with sea blue and the emptiness was replaced with a huge desk planted in the middle.
"Are you really sure we should be doing this?" Eliouse asked again, looking around anxiously. Hunter nodded,
"Relax, I've done this many of times and besides, Dorian is my Uncle. He never cares."
Eliouse swivelled around and stared at Hunter.
"He's your Uncle!?" She boomed. Hunter laughs.
"Surprise?" He said as he played with the technology on his desk.
"Your lying." Eliouse argued and folded her arms. Hunter shook his head, not taking a glance at Eliouse.
"Nope." Hunter replied straight away.

Eliouse stood silent, baffled. A nauseating buzzing sound came from the computer and Eliouse covered her ears. It was then cut off suddenly.
"All right!" Hunter chirped, smiling broadly. Eliouse took her hands away and narrowed her eyebrows. She knew she shouldn't be here and the feeling in her gut seemed to be telling her so.
"OK, whatever you've done, we should go now." Eliouse warned Hunter but he didn't listen.

"I knew you'd be up to something again, Hunter." A male voice said behind Eliouse.
Hunter looked up and his eyes went wide. "U-uncle.." He muttered quickly stepping away from the desk.
Eliouse turned her head to see a pudgy chest. Dorian stood in front of her, his shoulders pushed back and his head held high with his arms clasped behind his back. He slowly made his way down to Eliouse and paused.
"Eliouse?" He asked and she stood shaken.
"U-uh..." Eliouse stuttered and played with her thumbs. "I just-"
"Bruno and Derek. Of course." Dorian spouted. He gave a dry smile and cocked his head, "And let's not forget my nephew." He turned to Hunter. Hunter swallowed and stood up straight.
"You may be my sister's son, Hunter but I can't ignore it every time. If any of the guards saw, they'd question where their loyalty lies." Dorian ordered. He stepped past Eliouse and towards the centre of the room. He stopped and turned around, "Now you lot get out of here before I do throw you all in the dungeon." He yelled.
They all scurried out and Eliouse fast-paced walked to the exit before a cold, harsh voice stopped her in her tracks. She turned around.
"Eliouse. I need you to stay back." Dorian ordered and Eliouse turned around to see Hunter just by the door glaring at her. His eyes full of confusion and hatred. His hand on the handle tightened before he gave it a hard yank, not taking his eyes off Eliouse and walked out, the door slamming behind him.

Eliouse turned back around to the monster that awaited her. "Why did you make me stay." She asked aggressively.
Dorian laughed and stalked over to the white glass desk. "Just a few questions" He replied shrugging his shoulder. Eliouse eyed his every movement, her eyes burning with malice, her hands desperately want to rip his throat out.
"What do you want?" She spat.
"I have an offer for you." His eyes caught onto hers and he smiled. "I want you to join my army."
Her heart dropped, a cold shiver making its way down her back and wrapping itself around her legs.
She shook her head and took a step back. "Are you fucking crazy? Do you think I'm dumb? I know it's not an offer. I know you want to trade something in I love. " Eliouse returned a devilish smile, it disappeared and turned more into a displeasing look.
He chuckled and cleared his throat. "Please, I'm not that inhumane." He joked and Eliouse sneered.
"ROGS have declared war with me. 1:56, Wednesday afternoon, I dispatched a test subject. I sent the person who looked relatively like me into a SUV into the city, Cologne. Just to get a rough indication where the new base is.
If they attack, I know their close if not, I'll try somewhere else." He exclaimed, the corner of his lips turned up, into a heart wrenching grin.
Eliouse anticipated what would come next.
He carried on, "They attacked. It was stupid move, really. They didn't even think about the consequences and outcomes it will hold. Now, I know where they are based off. 45 Lockette St, Cologne." He boomed.
Eliouse's sun-kissed skin turned prickly, her heart being overtaken by a harsh cold storm. Her head spinning and fizzing.
She held her hand in her other hand and took a small step back, shaking her head.
"Do you know what I'm trying to get at, Eliouse?" Dorian's snake like voice slithered up and down her. Her heart which was once being overtaken by ice now turning into a pool of hot lava. She could feel the power start to dwell at the pit of her stomach, rising to the top, ready to blow like a volcano.
She her head, trying to restrain herself from letting it go.
The power swirled around her heart and stomach, forcing itself into her deepest and darkest memories and secrets, ready to explode everything.
"What I'm trying to say is, Your life for theirs." He dropped the words she wanted to hear least like it was nothing.

It happened, the overbearing pain took a hold of her, she closed her eyes, her palm opened up and released her power. A surge of fire pushing itself through the air and straight at Dorian.
It crackled and sizzled. When Eliouse opened her eyes slightly, she saw Dorian kneeled on the ground, smoke filling the air.
She gasped.
This time, her power had been a lot stronger. Dorian lifted his head, a large, smirk on his face.
"No.... No - I .... I didn't mean to!" Eliouse explained as Dorian lifted himself up.
He didn't respond, Instead walked towards her.

Eliouse's feet lifted off the ground her body levitating up. She screamed.
She looked straight at Dorian.
He took one more step towards her. "Good. I will take that as a yes." He uttered. Eliouse's body shook with fear and pursed her crackled lips.
She dropped to the ground, her body jolting all through, her elbows aching. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her mind fuzzing, everything so unclear, everything a whole giant bundled mess.
A mess Eliouse longed to ignore but she couldn't.
"No! I -.... I- I won't join your stupid army! Go shove it up your ass!" She yelled helplessly from the marble ground.
Dorian glared hard at her, looking down on her like she was useless. He bent down to her level and whispered words that shook her heart with fear and her heart with realisation, confusion and agony.
"There are many things in this world you do not understand Eliouse. Too many Secrets. Too many truths. Too many lies being told...This world is a nightmare and the only way to help it is to make all the bad go away..." He breathed, "To make mistakes like you disappear." He bent back up and stood high in front of her.
His expression making Eliouse quiver with dread and dismay. His expression so solemn and cold. His eyes like burning ice. His heart like cold stone.
Eliouse realised there was nothing she could do to thaw his heart, for he was lost in fantasies.
"And I will be the one to fix it." Eliouse watched in admiration and anxiety as he uttered the last words, "I will be the world's saviour."

Sorry for the short chapter!
Sorry I haven't been updating that much, I apologise in advance.

Please stay with me, Please favourite and try to get my book noticed.
It does mean a lot and there is much appreciation when you read my book <3

Please comment on areas on where I can improve on~

Till' next time~~ <3

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