Chapter 3: Men and their guns

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  Eliouse's emerald eyes flung open to discover she was in a bed. Not hers, she didn't even know where she was.
The room she was in had medical posters all over the walls and the walls- well, they looked like they were about to crack open, like she had been here a century. Vines covered the cracks of the walls and the roof was almost on top of her. She looked down at her arm to see a drip attached to her.
She let out a scream. She tried to rip off all the leads attached to her when they door swung open and Ethan stood there.
"Eliouse." He ran over to her and ripped them out. Sobs came from Eliouse.
"WH-where am I?" She sobbed. Ethan Supported her arm as she got up. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground.
"Why can't I walk?" She half screamed. Without responding Ethan went for her arm again and yanked her up.
She barely stood up, but she somehow managed.

"Welcome to earth," Ethan sarcastically said. Eliouse looked around at the distorted room. Everything had been overtaken by earth herself. Vines in every gap they could fit and flowers in every crack. She was mesmerized, yet frightened at the same time. Was this the world Ethan had been living in? Was this the world she would've been living in too if they hadn't put her in a coma?
She staggered across the room and wandered out into a large corridor. The walls had been ripped off and air flowed through the hallway. Eliouse stopped. She thumbed her fingers against the rotting walls. "Ethan.....Where am i?" She asked, her voice full of wonder. Ethan took the lead and she followed. Her legs ached and she barely kept up.
"Russia? What's that?" She asked again. They came across a large opening in the wall. Ethan jumped down to the hard soiled ground and reached out his arms to lift Eliouse down. It was only now she realised what she had been wearing. "What am I wearing?" she asked peering down at the hospital gown. Ethan didn't answer, he just grabbed Eliouse by the Armpits and lifted her to the ground. The dirt felt good on Eliouses feet and she dug her toes into the ground. It somewhat felt different here compared to Pandora. Everything felt more ... real.

She followed Ethan through thick bushes. Buildings tipping over and glass everywhere. How long had this been like this for? Ethan paused in front of her which caused her to press against his back.
"Shh, Come with me." He whispered as he took her hand and ran behind a brick wall.
Maybe about twenty meters away were two figures walking this way. "Who are they" she asked but got no response. The figures got closer and soon revealed two men, with assault weapons in their hands. A rippling scream echoed throughout the city. Eliouse peered out behind the all to see a young boy running. and the two men chasing. Eliouse soon catches on and looks straight at Ethan who had no sign of disgust on his face. Eliouse put one foot in front of the other to run to the child but was pulled back by furious arm strength. "What are you doing!?" Ethan half yelled, his face twisting and turning with disbelief. "Are you trying to get us killed.".
Eliouse looked straight in Ethan's and pursed her lips. She may of not been on earth for very long, but she knew this wasn't right. Those men weren't right.

The men grabbed the boy by his hips and hurled him around, sending him sprawled across the ground. They walked over to wear the boy was and picked him up by his shirt's collar. "We have to help him!" Eliouse yelled but Ethan didn't budge. Instead he just said casually, "There's nothing we can do, he's good as dead."
With that, Eliouse shut up and watched as they dragged the boy along the concrete road and hurled him into a vehicle. The moment they were out of sight, Eliouse pushed Ethan away.
"You let them get away with that!" She yelled and Ethan looked surprised. "We could've saved the boy!" She pleaded. Ethan shook his head and walked away. "Hey! I'm talking to you." Eliouse yelled as she stayed in the one spot. Not budging or willing to give in. She knew it was all wrong. She could tell why they sent her away, he didn't need to explain, just by watching the horrible scene before was enough to thoroughly know.
Eliouse's stomach turned and she felt as if her stomach was coming up her throat. "You asshole!" She yelled again and this time Ethan stopped walking and turned around, facing Eliouse. His face deemed with seriousness and disgust. "I would've if I could but In this world - Eliouse, In this world, it's kill or be killed. Do you get it now?
Try Fucking living with that for you're whole life. Then tell me we could've." He barked and it sent Eliouse rolling into a rage.
"Why don't you try fucking living with the fact that you're whole life had been a lie! Huh?! Try that! Everyone I knew apart from my friends were a lie! All fake and then- and then I meet you! and whoopi duh! I would rather live in this world than never known my whole life had been a lie. Fucking asshole." Eliouse spat back and stormed in front of him, not giving two fucks where she was going. Ethan glared at the walking away Eliouse.
He ran after her and walked beside her, ready to give all he's got at her.

"At least you didn't watch your fucking parents die! Everyone you may have known weren't real but my people were. and they fucking died.
In front of me!" He yelled and Eliouse shook her head in awe. She let out a sarcastic laugh. She muttered under her breath, "At least you knew them." Tears welled in the back of her eyes, ready to fall out and unleash all the multiple emotions she's been harbouring over the last 24 hours.
She knew she couldn't get along with this boy. He knew so little about her and understood nothing and the same applied with her.
She knew nothing and that's where it would never work out. He'd probably just take her to where she needs to be and leave. Leave for good and will probably never want to see her face again. By this point, tears were rolling down her cheeks. Questions slipping in and out of her mind. What about Grave? What about all those children? Would they be better off dying than coming here? Would they? In all honesty, Eliouse didn't want to know, she didn't want to know whether she had made the wrong choice and should've just disappeared like all the other children.
She just didn't... know.

After minutes of silence consuming her mind, she met Ethan's eyes. "Will we save them? We will save those children?" She asked innocently, not wanting to start another argument as they had already gotten off on the wrong foot. Ethan didn't respond and just kept looking ahead.
Eliouse passed it on as he didn't want to talk right now and kept her mouth trap shut.
They soon arrived at this rundown building. and entered through the shattered glass door. The door made a rattling sound and Eliouse spotted movement in her peripheral vision.
"Ethan!" A girl ran over, yelling his name. Her short blonde hair flowing behind her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave a him a passionate kiss on his lips. Ethan glanced at Eliouse and gave her a smug look. Eliouse was confused with their relationship. The girl released him from her grip and turned towards the now slightly bewildered Eliouse. She stuck out her hand and Eliouse shook it, taking in everything. Her clothing, her stunning features and her look on her face. It showed a hint of jealousy which Eliouse didn't know why since Ethan showed no interest in her anyway.
"Hi, I'm Jen." The girl pushed her blonde hair back and gave a sigh, switching glances between us. "I'm so glad you made it back but where are the others.... surely there just can't be her? Right?" Jen grabbed Ethan by the arms and stared straight into his eyes.
Ethan averted his eyes elsewhere. "I'm sorry jen. I could only save her. I was too late." He replied dryly. Eliouse scoffed which made the couple turn to look at Eliouse in a disbelief way. "'Too late, you say. We had plenty of time. We could've. I know we could've, you just didn't bother trying." Eliouse crossed her arms.
Jen looked away and pursed her lips, making it seem as Eliouse was making it awkward.
She swallowed.

"I wouldn't of left if I knew I could've helped them. They're probably dead." He responded back and Eliouse bit back her anger. She didn't want to accept it. She didn't want to accept the death of grave or any of the other kids.
She wouldn't. If there was a way to save them, then she was willing to go back. Even if it meant throwing away her life. She wouldn't stop at nothing to help them and that was just the kind of person she was.
"Ethan-" Jen cut her short, grabbing her wrist in her palm.

"If he says there was nothing he could've done then there was nothing he could've done.", Anger lingered in Jen's eyes and Eliouse pulled away. She didn't respond, she didn't care, all she could think about was Grave. Was he dead? What about mariar? Even though she may of been fake, she stilled loved her as her caretaker. She was the closest figure she had to a mother.
So what was she suppose to believe when she's told that she isn't alive? Tears dwelled in Eliouse's eyes. She just wanted to escape it all, Go back to Pandora and live the life she normally did. Hanging out with grave and causing mischief with the Guards, That was the life she wanted, not this one.
Eliouses wipped her tears away and eyed them down. "You must be tired." Jen broke the silence. "Follow me." She motioned her hand and Eliouse followed , leaving behind Ethan.


Sweat dropped off Eliouse's forehead as she shot up off her mattress. Jen and Ethan beside her. "We have to leave." Jen said as she packed her things furiously into her bag. Eliouse rubbed her eyes. Jen had given her some clothes to put on. "Whats going on?" She asked as she got up.
Jen didn't answer, Instead just peered out the door. The sound a door banging alerted Eliouse. "Come on!" Jen said as she ran to Eliouse and dragged her out the hallway and out a back door. Eliouse looked behind her to see men charge out the door, chasing them. Eliouse decided it was best not to look back and focused on running.
A Jeep pulled up and Jen and Ethan Jumped in. Eliouse attempted the same but failed and hit her head on the door, going red in embarrassment. So what if she wasn't athletic?
A young boy who sat in the drivers seat raced off and Eliouse peered back to see the Men giving up chasing.

Um... what had just happened?

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