Chapter 4: Army against chaos

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  They pulled up to a building. It was big, like a mall. "Everleigh mall.." Eliouse mutters as she examines the sign and multiple billboards everywhere. Everything was so different here than it was in Pandora.
In pandora, you could hear the birds singing, the wind blowing and feel the blazing sun melt you're face. But was silent. There were no birds, there were no people and overall there was just no happiness.
Eliouse realised how lucky she was to not be brought up in such a horrific place. To live through a brutal war and survive with everything you loved dead around you terrified Eliouse even though she was starting to realise this was the reality she had been hiding from all her life.
She felt like a coward.
She thought she had it bad when she found out they lied to her but really, it didn't even compare to this monstrosity.
In every crack of the ground and broken window panes, a war had taken place here. War had taken place everywhere and corrupted the world. Corrupted everyone's innocence and sent people's lives into misery.
But who's fault was it? Who sent them into war? Who declared it? Eliouse didn't know.
They all hopped out of the car. The driver hopped out too revealing a young boy. Shaggy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. "Eliouse, this is chad." Jen introduced Eliouse and she gave a wry smile.
The boy said hi and then they got on with it. The group of adolescents walked into the mall and down the large corridor. Eliouse astonished by it all. She hasn't seen anything like it, everything was so different and unique.

"The ROGs have been striving on for almost 12 months now," Jen spoke up, leading the group with Eliouse at the back, "But we know it won't be soon until the Atlas find us and tear us down." Eliouse's mind swept with confusion.
Everyone else nodded as if they knew what on earth she was going on about and ever so slightly, Eliouse felt a turn of loneliness. She was all alone here, she had people surrounded around her but she didn't know them. She didn't know their life stories so what difference did it make between sitting alone. Either way- she was all by herself.
"If you don't mind- Who are the ROGs?" Eliouse asked, hands on her hips, annoyed that she was being left out of the conversation. Everyone stopped and turned towards her, their faces showing guilt that they hadn't explained anything to her.
"The ROGs stands for Rebels of Germany. We are the ROGs, though there is more of us. The Atlas-" Jen broke off and in a split second her whole facial expression changed into something that had been scarred for life. Jen took a breath before continuing on. "Like I was saying, The Atlas are the source of the war. They're they ones that sent the world into turmoil. They're the reason you were send to Pandora and why were here right now."
Jen took one last look before turning on her heels and strolling away, chad and Ethan following, leaving Eliouse in deep thought. The Atlas had been the people who had killed her parents- Ethan's parents. Everyone, everything flower, tree, person cut down was because of them?
Eliouse found this hard to believe.
"Even though the Atlas are still killing this world and everything on it- were growing too. Maybe one day big enough to take down the corporation at its roots. Pick them out one by one and make them suffer just like our comrades- our people." Jen carried on. They came to a set of stairs, spiralling down and what it led to- Eliouse was clueless. She placed her hands on the railing and looked down.
It led to darkness and a chilling shiver sent goosebumps down her back.
They were going to go down there.
Jen took the lead, placing one foot in front of each other, not missing a step. "We were ready once- but Atlas were stronger than we thought and we lost many. They bathed in our comrades blood and picked out their flesh out of their iron teeth with their iron nails. They laughed while we suffered brutally. At first-" Jen stopped and took a breath. "We thought we had lost, that it was all over but after the fight, we had thousands willing to join up with us." We came to the end of the staircase and at the end of what seemed just an empty dark hole was turned into a broad iron door. Jen stopped and turned toward Eliouse, Jen's blue eyes lock on Eliouse's - showing a sheer force of will power and the work of a leader. "They were all willing to fight." Jen finished and turned away and gripped the iron door and shoved it open.
Bright lights blinded Eliouse as a large underground room was revealed, kids of all ages fighting- training.

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