Chapter 10: What started must end

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  The nights got colder and shorter and Eliouse's vulnerable situation didn't improve.
She ignored Elbert and Hunter backed off.
She often wondered if any of this way worth it. Grave's and Mariar- Everyone she knew. Was her life worth it?
If she were to ever escape would any of it be worth it? Will her existence be the death of so many more people? She knew she couldn't escape Dorian's strong grip on her and as everyday went by, as every month passed and every second she spent at Atlas, seeing everyone looking tense, it was so clear that the war would start soon.

People would die and People would mourn and then those people would vow revenge on their lover's killers. It was horrible circle that never ends, forever on repeat.
And no doubt would she be used as a pawn in Dorian's game, not only would he use her connection with the ROGs but also her burning power. Against her friends and against people she loved.

There was so many secrets Dorian was hiding and Eliouse was determined to find out, to go to the extreme to know why he a fixed obsession with her. Yes, he may of known her parents but there was something else he was hiding. Something major and it made Eliouse want to rip her own skin to shreds just to know.

Eliouse twisted the dagger in her hand and stood facing the eroded stone wall in her cellar. She gave a wry smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, her feet shoulder length apart. She leaned forward and pressed her skinny hand against the stone, the sharp edges digging into her skin. She brought the dagger up near her head and stabbed it into the wall. Pulling it down and back up, over and over again until there was a line carved into it. She stepped back and pulled back her coat hood.

A tally among a wall of them. "Day 93" Eliouse breathed, a puff of frost visible. She dropped the knife down and staggered back, her head aching. Her breathing becoming difficult and severe.

Her legs buckled beneath her and she dropped to the ground. Eliouse's chest feeling the weight of the world, her head ready to just give in, to give in the fight. No one was coming for her and quite frankly, she thought that was it was the best idea to come up with.

She didn't want to feel the guilt any longer, she didn't want to feel the death and presence of the people that died because of her. Because of her- The mall got invaded. Because of her- Her mother is dead. Because of her- Grave is gone. What more guilt did they want her to feel? because if there were any more deaths because of her- Eliouse would end her life.

Eliouse shut her eyes and lied on the ground, even though she could get up and carry on. She was tired and frustrated and so done with this world. SO done with everything and everyone and right now.

and now, she wanted it to be over.

A war was coming and everyday, Eliouse thought of how many people would die that day-

Die because she is alive.


Eliouse awoke to the sound of her gate opening. Her eyes fluttered open and she stood up fast. A man in a guards uniform stood at the rusted gate. She realised that is was the face that took her to the hall the second day she was here.

"Dorian wishes to speak to you." He said. His eyes droopy and his voice deep with dissatisfaction. Eliouse nodded and put on her white dress. "Hurry up." He yelled but not loud for her ears to ache.
When she was done she stepped forward and kept her head down. Her deep hazel eyes looked up to see his icy, blue ones
Her mouth opened to say something but nothing came out. She nodded her head and walked past him.

The gate shut and they both walked down the dungeon narrow corridors. Nothing to say to each other and the man saw no reason to. They weren't friends and whatever Eliouse saw in him, if she saw any friendship or hope of compassion, she was wrong.

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