Chapter 15: Reunited

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  Eliouse's legs stumbled along the dirt road. She wiped her forehead and clutched the straps of her bags tighter until her knuckles were white. She clicked her jaw, and squinted her eyes as she looked up at the beaming sun. She couldn't take it much longer.
She was going mad. The world was spinning around her and all she could do was keep walking. Just keep walking, and walking... until when? Until she dropped dead? Until she couldn't breath must longer and her mind decides to kill itself?

She sighed and continued ahead. She stopped at the sound voices, she flinched and her legs locked to the ground. "How much further? There's no one around, we've been walking for hours!" A voice said and two heads started to peer up the sloping hill. Her heart raced rapidly as the two figures were a blurry image in the heat.

"Not much further, Then we'll make our way back to the base." A male voice said, and prickles rippled through Eliouse's body at the familiarity that slapped her in the face. That voice....
That voice....

Then when the figures came into focus, and one of them lifted their heads, looking straight at her, they froze.
Eliouse started to sob and covered her mouth as she dropped her bag off her shoulders are started running towards Ethan. His brown locks of curls fell partly over his eyes.
She lunged herself at him, wrapping her arms around his tall body and digging her head into his chest. "Oh my god" He whispered, shock lacing his town, as he spread his arms not knowing what to do with them. "Eliouse?" He said, pushing her shoulders back and looking down at her bruised, pale face.

She nodded, wiping her eyes. She couldn't speak but when she forced the words to come out, they rolled together like a slur and she embraced Ethan again. "I-" She sobbed, her voice cracking like fire, "I was so scared!" She wailed into his shirt which was now wet from her tears.

Ethan wrapped his arms around her back. "I can't believe it" he cleared his throat. "I can't believe your here! Do you know how long we've been looking for you!? Oh my god," He said again, tightening his grip on her as if she might disappear again.
Ethan looked down at the young boy beside her.

Then down at Eliouse who could barely stand. "Come on, we'll get you home". He whispered into her ear, and a sudden flood of relief exploded in her heart.
After all this time, after all this travelling, she finally felt at home. She finally felt home in the strong, muscular arms of Ethan and she treasured every moment of it.

Her breathing started to calm as she pulled herself from Ethan, and smiled weakly, "It's good to see you too."


The smell of disinfectant made Eliouse wince, coughing as she swung legs from up on the bench. The doors opened and Jen, who was pale stopped for a second, before jogging to Eliouse. "I can't believe it..." She whispered, touching Eliouse's cold hand. Jen out a hand over her mouth, words muffled and slurred, "I really can't believe it! We thought we'd never see you again." Eliouse jumped down and Jen hugged her.

"I know," Eliouse began, "me neither."

"You have to tell us what happened, Not right away, just get used to it first and then you can tell us all about it, Okay?" Jen rested a hand upon Eliouse's back. She nodded and coughed again. So much had happened over the course of Seven months.

She had met Ethan in Pandora, discovered that everything she had known was a lie, then She had gotten taken away from Ethan, met the man who was her father. The man who had destroyed every beautiful thing in this world and she had managed to escape from him, and now she was here. She was here, and she was in safe arms. It was exhausting.

Everyday was survival for her and now it was as if every struggle had disappeared. "Sounds good," Eliouse replied. Jen smiled weakly at her before abruptly saying; "Right, so then how about we see it to a cup of tea?".
Eliouse had felt the need for the sweet bitter taste of tea, to feel the warmth travel through her body as she would sip from the rim of the cup in delight.

"Okay," Her and Jen started heading for the sliding doors, and towards the canteen.

But as their shoes echoed off the dull walls, Eliouse stole quick glances at Jen. Her hair was knotty, and in strands as if she had been losing chunks, her face was pale, all color drained. And big thick rings sat under her eyes. The darkness draining her eyes. Jen turned her head at Eliouse and smiled. Her lips barely even lifting up into a smile, her face didn't have that light that would beam off her. She wasn't colourful. It didn't scream command, or Leader, it just screamed 'Jen'. Just Jen, as if she had been a normal girl, as if she wan't the leader of renegades that were trying to stop her father from controlling everything.

It was just a girl, and thought crossed Eliouse's cluttered mine; What happened here? What happened here to make Jen like this, what happened to Jen and Ethan?

And she frowned at the thought of Dorian. She frowned at the thought when she looked around and noticed the lack of males missing, and then it hit her. Like a truck, like a painful slap right across the cheek, or fire that reached her heart and was burning her to a crisp.



Heyo Mayo!

Sorry I haven't updated in ages! Like, I'm really sorry but I'm promising myself to finish the story. I dedicate this story to Cutiepie0212 For always being demanding!1111! So here you go, you better be happy Lucy.

Hope you enjoyed, and oh! Finally she reunited with Ethan! WOOOO sorry it's short, I just wanted to write this bit out of the way and get onto the rest! Psst! (Where it will be getting really intense if it wasn't already) *Cough* *Cough*

Anyway, please vote and comment for support, It your a writer, then you'll understand how much it means to us because it makes us feel loved (- o - ) GIMME SOME LOVIN'!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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