Chapter 2: The truth revealed

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  Eliouse sat over the black haired boy, she had been watching him since a hint of dawn showed. His peaceful face looking much more calmer and nice than the one he had yesterday. Eliouse touched his arm and noticed dirt everywhere. She gripped the boy by the shoulders and shook him.
His eyes shot open, ready to open his mouth to question why she'd been staring at him whilst he was sleeping.
Eliouse put a finger in the middle of her lips for him to be quiet and he gave a nod. She took her hand in his and crept quietly across the creaky floor. In the corner a middle aged woman was sprawled across the couch- snoring.
The floor creaked beneath them. Eliouse's house was small. It could only fit one person but they managed the two of them, even if it meant one of them was on the couch and one on the bed.
Eliouse got to the door and turned the handle slowly, keeping an eye on the sleepy Mariar on the couch.

After what seemed the clear, she shoved the Boy out the door and she followed. She kept the lead, taking him towards the river.
They walked through large shrubs and vines that were tangled all over abandoned buildings. Occasionally she'd look back to see if he was still with her incase she was just holding thin air.
The Crickets chirped around them and the early sun hit their face, melting the dew on the leaves.

The rushing river roared loudly, and you could sometimes see fish jump out of the river.
"Strip." Was all that Eliouse said. She took note of how much dirt he had on him. Where ever he had come from, it couldn't have been nice. The boy stood still, not reacting to her command. "I said strip!" Eliouse reached for his tunic, trying to rip it off his bare chest but she failed in attempt. The boy didn't move and made Eliouse even more annoyed when he just stared back.
"Well?," Eliouse stopped trying and stood back. "You're dirty. River.....Dirt,......wash......?" She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows at him.
After a moment of no response she threw up her hands in the air in surrender. "Are you getting anything I'm saying? Do you even speak my language?" She questioned, hoping that everything she had been saying so far had made sense to him at least.
He nodded and she gave a sigh of relief. "Great, well you can start by taking you're clothes off and scrubbing that ridiculous amount of dirt off." She scoffed as she held his arm in her arms and she scratched at the filth.
The boy didn't move. Just a minute of awkward silence went by, Eliouse still completely clueless. The boy flicked his eyes to the side of her and Eliouse got the picture once she peered down at his pants.
A fluster rushed over her face and she put both hands up on her mouth, Just realizing what she may have come across as.
"I'll....go wait- be-behind a bush..." She stuttered before she pivoted around and disappeared between bushes.

Although Eliouse tried to contain it, she found herself peeking through the leaves, catching glimpse of the Boy's features. She scoffed herself disgraceful. Ashamed by her actions but she still eyed him down. His tan chest and his toned arms. Eliouse went red from her ears. What was she doing? Why was she doing such a shameful things.
She was just a fourteen year old girl, nothing more than that. Definitely not a peeping tom.
She continued looking through the bushes when his eyes met hers. She shot up revealing herself. She stood in silence. He had just caught her peeking. She threw her hands up in the air. "I- i didn't mean too! I just-" She stopped when she realized the boy staring intensely at her and her eyes staring straight at something she shouldn't.
They both didn't move and Eliouse couldn't take her eyes away from the thing between his legs.
Her lips quivered. She was blushing. He was blushing.
They both weren't moving.
Finally the boy put out both hands in front of his ** and Eliouse fell to the ground. Not intentionally, she just fell but she didn't get up, no. She crouched behind the bush, hugging her knees in shock, leaving the boy to do whatever business he had to do. Either way, she didn't want to be apart of it.

After what seemed like a long time, He came up behind her. "I'm done", he had a masculine voice. She got up and turned around to look at him and thankfully, he was in clothes. She gave a sigh of relief as he started to walk away.
"Hey! where are you going?" She called out, the boy turned around to look at her. Eliouse ran out from the bushes and grabbed him.
"You're not going anywhere till you tell me who you are." She demanded.
The boy ripped his arm from her grip, giving a glare. "Alright, what do you want to know?" He asked.
"What do I want to know?" She cried, "that's obvious! I know you're different! You're not from here are you?".
The boy pushed back his long black hair. "Fine, My name is Ethan.".

A long pause went by as Eliouse processed his name into her thoughts. "Alright, Ethan. My name is Eliouse. Now lets go sit down and talk about everything." This time she didn't grab him and drag him, after learning that he can speak and has a name, he's more than capable to walk himself.


"So, you're telling me that you're from a place... called earth?" Eliouse Asked and he Nodded. She swallowed.
She chuckled. "You're lying. You're just a great joker, aren't you?" She cracked a smile but Ethan didn't.
"I'm telling the truth. I'm from a world called Earth, From a city called New York.". The unfamiliar words hit her in the mouth.
Earth, New york? What nonsense. There was only Pandora.
"Stop talking crazy! Were in Pandora and there has only been pandora!" She cried.
"This is fake! The last generation made this fake world to send you in. To protect you!" He snapped back and she shut up.
"You're a delusional fuck!" She spat. Ethan sent her glares sharp as daggers.

He scoffed. When did this attitude appear? "The only delusion here honey is this place. Its all fake and a delusion. The only real things here are you and the other children. those adults? Those are just the effects of the computer.
They're not alive!".
She slapped him on the shoulder and he winced in pain. "Stop talking shit." was all that she said. Her face stern and unconvincing. Ethan took a deep breath in like he was annoyed. "Jesus! I never knew it was going to be this hard! If I had known that there were stuckup, stubborn girls like you, then I would've never came!" He rolled his eyes.
and so did Eliouse.
She walked in front of him. She stopped when she heard a ripple through the air. She glanced at Ethan who had heard it too.
"We need to go!" He grabbed her by the wrist and ran. Ran so fast. Eliouse pulled her hands away and covered her ears and screamed. A sound like a metal whip rippled in the air. Crackling.
"What is that!?" She screamed, the sound piercing her ears. She let out a cry. Ethan looked at her. Why was he not covering his ears? Could he not hear it?
"I haven't been here long enough to affect me. You've been here twelve years! We need to go! Like, right now!" He yelled and led her through the bushes. She ripped from his grip. "Not until you tell me what that sound is!" She screamed over the noise.
"We don't have time! The connection is breaking and we need to get out of here quickly." He grabbed her wrist again and ran.

They reached the city and children were all hunched over, crying. The adults. Why were they not crying either? Why did they just look confused? It was like Ethan had read her mind, "Like I told you, They're not real so it wont affect them."
They continued running. They ran pass the path to her house and stopped. "What about Mariar! I cant leave her behind!" She screamed. A light flashed above her and she saw pixels drop. The world was falling apart. it was like a barrier was there and something was hitting against in, sending waves rippling through it.
Eliouses breathing cut short, "What... is that?" She asked, pointing up at the pixel sky.
All that came out of Ethan's mouth was a load of cursing. She looked at him. Maybe he was right? Maybe this wasn't real?
Maybe her whole life had been a delusion. Before she could respond she was running, hand in hand with Ethan.
"Where are we going?" She yelled over the chaos. He didn't look back at her or respond, he just kept running.
Eliouses Emerald eyes was stuck on Ethan's back the whole time.
They soon came in front of a tower but it had never been there before... had it? It definitely new and it definitely wasn't from this world. It had glass panes covering it .
Ethan ran up the stairs of the tower till they were up at the very top. Eliouse stood close to the edge and watched the city in turmoil. How had it all gone wrong so quickly?
She turned towards Ethan who was now hunched over, catching his breath.
"So.... what are we going to do now?" Eliouse queried. Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic box. He looked her way, "Leave. We are going to leave."
Eliouse cocked her head, still trying to take in what had happened so far. She shouldn't of met this boy, she should've turned away when she could. Him, it was all his fault.
She bit down her anger towards him. Had he come to save her? Why was he here? She wanted answers but judging by the tense look on his face, she guessed now wasn't a good time to pry.
Ethan pressed the box to the ground and it immediately let out a blinding light. The box came undone and revealed a bracelet. Two bracelets actually. He picked them up and clung it to Eliouses wrist. She tried to rip them off but Ethan yelled at her to stop.
What about Grave? Her only best friend? Was she going to leave him behind too?

Suddenly, the Bracelet tightened around her wrist and Eliouse screamed out in agony. She glanced at Ethan who looked as if he was trying to hold his cry in. The world began to shake, rocking the two adolescents side to side.
"Make it stop!" She cried.
The world became small in Eliouse's eyes and looked down to see half her body pixelated.
She let out a scream as she was sucked in darkness, leaving Pandora for good.

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