Chapter 6: A dark day for a dark deed

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Eliouse shook her head in disbelief. The man with a smug look on his face as Eliouse gaped at photo. This couldn't be her, She was sent to Pandora and she never knew her parents.
But one could not deny the resemblance- it was too prominent to ignore.
"This is Geneva Reeve and Florence Reeve." The claimed, admiring the photo, "Very... famous scientists." His voice cracked, showing a hint of emotion,
Eliouse gazed at the photo. The girl- It look just like her and the woman and man-..... Eliouse didn't know how to explain it.
Dorian turned towards Eliouse. "Do you know these people, Eliouse? These are your parents." He said.
The room went silent. Eliouse didn't want to know. Eliouse didn't want to even think about it or the possibility that the deceased people in the photo might actually be her parents.
After a few moments, she glanced to Dorian who had a stern look on his face.
No, she didn't want to accept it. She clenched her fists.
"You see... Eliouse. They had a daughter, Of course I never met her. But I still wonder what happened to her after the outbreak...... Did she get sent to Pandora or did she stay here- in the real world." He teased and it mixed Eliouse's emotions. She didn't know- nor did she care. She just wanted to go, to leave.
As each word Dorian said, his face became more creased and aggressive, like he was blaming Eliouse for everything.
"Eliouse." He said.

A few moments passed by.
"Eliouse! Are these your parents!?" He barked, his voice shaking Eliouse to the bone. Dorian breathed in and out, his fists looking like they were ready to strike. Out of fear, Eliouse shook her head.
Eliouse lifted her head to see Dorian looking like he'd seen a ghost. His lips a pale blue and his hand shaking.
His breathing calmed and his hand lowered. He turned around from Eliouse, his face looking like it was ready to murder somebody. He turned his head towards Eliouse and just as his face calmed down, the prominent wrinkles and scrunched up nose appeared again.
Except this time, he might not be able to stop himself. "Liar!" The man yelled and Eliouse gasped as she was thrown backwards to the ground, her throat feeling like it'll collapse any moment. She tried to gasp for air but it was almost like an invisible hand wrapped itself around her throat.
Darkness wrapped itself around the edge of her vision. "Eliouse! Won't you be a good girl!?" Dorian spat, a chuckle in his voice. A sinister laugh for a sinister man.
"Your father! Oh-" He laughed again. It felt like the world was shaking to Eliouse. His voice was the only thing she could hear. "He was a prestigious man! So much dignity! courage! Oh! how he was adored.." Dorian's voice broke off. Eliouse managed to squeeze a glance at Dorian who had his hand stretched out and it occurred to Eliouse that it must be Dorian who was creating this invisible force.

"Your mother was a good girl!" Dorian laughed as Eliouse choked for air. "A very good girl..." His voice turned sinister like and it cause Eliouse to evoke an emotion she never knew she had. Her thin line of patience snapping causing her to be outrageous.
In a flick of an instant, a surge of fire flickered through the air. Dorian was thrown towards the white wall. The weight lifted off Eliouse and she sat up, gasping for air.
When Eliouse looked up, Dorian was staring hard at her. She had discovered something she didn't even know about herself. A power.
Was it dangerous? She didn't know. Dorian cracked a smile.
Everything in the air turned to a still as his toothy smile reached his blue eyes.
"So you really are Geneva's daughter." He said as he slumped up against the wall.


The stone wall made Eliouse's back shiver. No sunlight and the wall was wet and mossy.
She tugged her knees tight as she sat against the hard wall. They had thrown her in a cell or dungeon. She didn't even know how far below the ground she was- just that she couldn't see the sun.
Would they let her rot down here?
Would they starve her? Torture her?
She was scared of her power. She couldn't explain it, It just happened. The image of the red flame haunted her. Why was she so different?
Why was life so unfair?
She had been her for almost a week now and it won't be long till she loses track of the days. Her legs will become skinnier, her cheek bones show and her ribcage will stick out. She'll start to lose her mind and got insane.
Then- they'll probably put her down and that'll be it. That'll be the end of her sad, sorrowful life.
Maybe that was the way for Eliouse to go. Maybe it really was her fate, in the end.
Past the rusted metal bars that stopped Eliouse from escaping was another cell. The dim light lighting up the dark room barely.
A figure walked out from the darkness and just into where the light touched it's skin.
"Hello, child." A croaky voice boomed the dungeon and Eliouse looked up. Her cheeked puffy and wet from crying.
An old man stood in the cell, his hands tightly clenched onto the rotten metal. He had a crooked smile and hair dripped down in front of his eyes. He wore an old tunic and he was nothing but skin and bones. When he spoke, he teeth clapped together and made Eliouse wince.
"What is a girl such as you, doing down here?" He asked but Eliouse just sunk her head back into her knees.
"Hello?" his raspy voice brushed against her ear drums but yet there was so much kindness in it it made Eliouse wonder why.
"There is no need to be afraid. You can talk to me, I won't bite."
Eliouse lifted her head up and for the first time since she had been to Earth, someone had actually spoken to her with kind words.
His eyes beamed with joy even if he had nothing. When he spoke, it wasn't ill mannered.
"What is your name?" He asked and Eliouse wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. She stood up and walked over to the bars. Her legs wanted to give up and ached badly from sitting on the hard floor all week. She dragged her legs to the bars and held onto them as hard as she could.
"Eliouse," She spoke, she voice all raspy and croaky. Large bags sat under her eyes and they looked dull and lifeless.

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