Ch:10 Mutation

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We followed Johnson to the side door. He looked back at us then he said "ok keep your haz mat suits on. You don't want to be contaminated".

Johnson opened the door and stepped into a decontamination shower. Shelby and I followed him in and let the machine spray our suits.

The doors both were locked now so Johnson got out his card and swiped it. The door unlocked then opened. He said "keep calm once you enter this room".

I was extremely curious about what was in here. We stepped into the room and turned the lights on. We looked around and me and shelby's jaws dropped.

There were all sorts of mutated walkers strapped to tables, put in glass containers, and rotting away in steel cages. Johnson said with pride "me and my team have been working on there walkers for years. We have made all sorts of mutations in here".

Shelby looked at him and said "what the fuck? Are you a god damn idiot? We are being taken over by a world of walkers. Now you are making even more dangerous ones that are harder to kill! These walkers need to be destroyed before they get free and hurt someone. It will get nasty pretty quickly".

She was absolutely right. They looked very dangerous. God only knows what these things can do. Shelby got out a knife and started to walk towards a caged walker, but Johnson pulled a gun on her.

He said "listen here bitch. I have made these creations. I poured my sweat and blood into this project. Im not gonna let some hick and her emo boyfriend stand in my way. Oh and I know you stole one of my tapes in my filing drawer. I think it was Duncan's tape. I don't know who the fuck you are, but I will kill you if I find you anywhere near my lab again".

Shelby said "you wont get away with this. The tape has been viewed and passed around. You think your so powerful because you made those walkers. Well your wrong".

Johnson slapped her across her face so I ran over and punched him. He turned around and threw me up against a glass cage. The walker ran at the glass and cracked it. Johnson stepped back and looked in worry. He said to me "oh god. Look what you've done". I laughed and said "no, look what you've done and created".

When I looked back at Shelby her eye had the yellow tint to them again. I put my hand on her shoulder so she said "get back Andy. I don't wanna hurt you". I immediately took my hand off of her and stepped back.

She walked towards Johnson and slammed him against one of the glass cages. The glass cracked on impact. The walker was alerted and started attacking the glass as well.

I knew the glass wasnt gonna hold so I looked around the room. I was a knife laying on a desk so I ran over and grabbed it. I ran back over and said to Shelby "babe enough. The glass will break and someone may get hurt".

She looked at me with those creepy yellowish eyes then let Johnson go. He escorted us out quickly then shut the door behind him. We threw off our haz mat suits then ran to the other door. We opened it and ran down the hallway to warn Ruby about him knowing.

As soon as we reached her lab we knocked on her door as loud as possible. She saw us so she ran down to us and opened the door. She quickly shut it after we were in then she asked "whats wrong?".


I looked at Ruby then said "Johnson is fucking insane. He created a bunch of mutated walkers and they are in his lab. He also knows about the missing tape. We gotta keep him out of here cause he will kill us all".

Ruby looked in shock. She said "ok. Here take this. She tossed me a concealed gun that was hidden under her lab coat. I asked "what is this for?". She said "this is to keep you safe in here. Im gonna go get the rest of your group then go get their weapons then bring them back here. I'll grab your weapons as well. If Im not back within 10 minutes go up to my room and grab my spare key card. Its in a small silver box under my bed. You will have access to all rooms in the whole building. Good luck guys".

I tossed the gun back to her then I said "you will need this more than we will. Trust me. Keep it to protect yourself. We need you alive". She nodded then took the gun back. She looked at us one more time then she opened her door and ran down the hallway.

I ran up the steps and into the overlook. I went into her room and went under the bed. The silver box was in the way back so I crawled under the bed to get it. Andy quickly followed me under the bed. I asked "what the hell are you doing?".

Andy cupped his hand over my mouth and whispered "shhhh". Just then Johnson was in the lab. She yelled "RUBY YOU IN HERE?". He walked up the steps and into the overlook. I could see his boots and a gun in his hand.

Andy started to shake as he got closer so I grabbed his hand and I squeezed it tightly. He opened the bedroom door and walked in. He looked around for a few seconds then stopped. His boots were right next to my face. My heart was beating quickly, but I kept myself under control.

Johnson said "hmmm I wonder". He  set his gun down on the floor next to his foot. He then knelt down and in my head I thought to myself "this is it". Andy squeezed my hand and whispered in the lowest voice possible "I love you Shelby". I whispered back "I love you too Andy". This was it. He was gonna catch us and we were gonna be on the next video tape he makes.

----------------------------------------------So will they be ok or will he catch them? Did Ruby make it to the rest of Shelby's group? Leave your prediction in the comments below! Also vote for the chapter and share this series with your friends who like the walking dead. Thank you  for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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