Ch:4 Let Me See My Group

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I woke up and looked through the glass and looked on the first floor. Patient zero and Johnson were down there along with 4 guards.

Shelby had blood on her mouth and her eyes were yellow. I quickly opened the door and ran down the steps. Just as O got to the last step the guards drew their guns up to Shelby. Oh no.

I came to a halt then I yelled "LOWER YOUR WEAPONS NOW"! The guards looked at me then slowly lowered their guns. Johnson said "all 4 of u get out of this lab IMMEDIATELY".

Me and him watched as the four guards quickly left the room. Once they were gone I walked over to Shelby and grabbed her gently. I kneeled down then said "I know your scared. If I was in your position I would be too. Your group is safe and we wont let anything happen to you. We need you to help us find the cure, but you need to listen to us and trust us".

She smiled and hugged me. She whispered "I trust you". I got up and said "ok lets get you cleaned up then you and I can take a little walk". She nodded and followed me.

I put on a Yellow Hazard suit then I stepped into a separate chamber. I grabbed her hand and said "come in". She followed me in then she asked "what is this place?". I said "this is a decontamination shower. It will clean and sterilize you. I need you to take off your dirty clothes. We will provide you with a clean set of scrubs".

I shut the door behind me then she started to get undressed. She threw her clothes into the corner of the room then I turned the water on. I washed her face to get all the blood off. I gave her a bar of our specially made soap then I let her wash herself. Once she finished she set the soap down and waited. I dumped a bunch of our home made shampoo and conditioner in her hair and cleaned her scalp.

After that I said "now here comes the painful part". I stepped back and pressed a button. Specially made acid poured down on her and got into every open wound she had. She winced in pain and let out a small scream.

I walked back over to her and said "we needed to make those cuts as clean as possible". She nodded then said "can I see my group now?". I said "lets finish up here then I'll take you to see them".

I opened up the door and handed her a towel. She covered herself up then we stepped out of the shower room. I took off my suit then I walked over to a desk. I opened the drawers and pulled out a set of extra small scrubs for her to put on. I handed them to her and she quickly got dressed. After that I smiled and said "lets go see your group". Her eyes lit up with excitement.



I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Damn that gas was powerful. I wonder what it was. Remind me not to let Daryl hit the glass again.

I looked over and saw a cart with food on it. I woke up Daryl, Kiley, and Chase and told them that we should eat. I brought over the cart and distributed the food and drinks.

I scarfed down the food and chugged the drink. I threw it onto the cart then I sat down on my cot. As the rest of them just begun to eat I said "we need to get Shelby. I gotta know that shes ok". Chase said "well what if shes not in this place. Maybe shes somewhere else".

I pooped up got in his face. I yelled "SHES HERE AND SHES OK". Daryl got up and grabbed me. He pushed my cot over to the corner of the room and sat me down. He said "look, I know you love her. Dont listen to Chase. Shes here, I just know she is. Shes ok. Shes probably just somewhere in the lab getting tested because of her condition".

He walked back over to Kiley and Chase then started to eat his food again. I sat on the cot with my head hung down and my face in my hands. Tears slipped out and I silently cried.

I cant live without her. I almost lost her once. I cant lose her again. I need to know that shes safe. I need her to know that I love her more than anything in this world. I just need her to be in my arms again. I need her lips on mine. I need to hear her sweet voice say my name and say those 3 major words that make my heart melt: I. LOVE. YOU.

I was so zoned out I heard Daryl yell something and run up to the glass. I looked up and started to bawl my eyes out.


The scrubs were very comfy. Ruby said "lets go see your group". My mouth instantly shot up into a smile. She took me by my hand and said "I trust you, but I have to hold your hand until you pass the test". I looked up and asked "what test?". She said "the test to see if your safe enough to be around everybody else. If you pass you get a name badge, a job, and are free to walk around unaccompanied".

With this information I got excited. I said "I can be good! I wouldnt hurt anybody! Id do awesome at my given job! I can be trusted"! She smiled and said "I trust you sweetie. You gotta pass the test for everybody else. Its standard procedure for everyone that comes here. Even your group will need to take the test. The only thing keeping you from passing is how you deal with seeing blood. You need to learn to control yourself around it and thats what Im gonna help you with".

I hugged her and said "Thank you so much for everything". She said "your very welcome sweet heart". We started to walk and before I knew it we were out of the lab room. As we walked down the hallway people looked and stared at me.

To calm me down Ruby took my mind off of it. She asked "so you have anyone special in your life?". I smiled and said "yeah, I have a boyfriend. He's with our group. His name is Andy. He means everything to me". she smiled and said "well maybe I can sneak Andy into the lab on some nights when the guards switch out".

I blushed at the thought and I said "that would be awesome, but I dont want you to get in trouble for doing it".  She shook her head then she said "do t worry, I'm head scientist here. Im friends with all the guards. The only person above my authority here is the General, but me and him have known each other for over a year now".

Hearing all of this made me very happy. I definitely need to stay on good terms with Ruby. We came to a sudden stop in front of a door and she swiped her ID card across a scanner. The red light switched to green and the door sounded like it unlocked.

Ruby opened the door and walked in. I walked in after her and saw a large glass window. In the room behind the glass was Daryl, Kiley, Chase, and Andy. Andy was in the corner of the room covering his face with his hands. The rest of them were eating. Ruby and I snuck over to the window and we waited for someone to notice we were there.

Daryl looked over and his eyes got wide. He yelled "SHELBY" then ran over. He started pounding on the glass as a huge smile appeared on his face. I smiled back then I looked over at Andy.
Thanks for reading! So whats gonna happen next? Please comment, vote, and share! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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