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With every meeting with the angels, my life got worse.

After the first one, I'd gone back with Troye, Caspar, and Tyler. Tyler seemed to be annoyed, but he wasn't being rude as he talked to us, which was assuring. The issue was that he kept looking at me like he was trying to figure something out.

I didn't doubt that it had to do with the stunt I'd pulled down on Earth, and the way that Tyler's eyes followed me when I walked past and the way he seemed to constantly be concerned about my presence proved how much of a predicament it was, even if I found all of the attention annoying. Korey, the leader of the angels, even seemed to know who I was, but he was frightened instead of confused. I could smell it; on all of the angels, there was a layer of fear. It was why they were weaker than us. Angels could sense anger, which they never felt, and we could sense fear, which is what we never felt.

Why did Korey seem to know who I was, and be scared of me? I'd never kill an angel. I'd probably be executed by Satan himself if I did that; all that was accepted was bickering and, you know, physical violence as long as no one got killed. It was just an unspoken rule.

Besides, whatever power had surged through my veins that day was gone now. I felt like the normal Dan I had been before the start of our mission. None of it made any sense.

On the day we had free of meetings, there was nothing for Troye and I to do. Our mission had been taken from us, and we weren't actually Orators. Tyler told us not to go to Earth, so we were forced to take a free day. The problem with Hell was that there wasn't anything to do except your job, and without one, everything was mostly just killing any cruds who found their way to our garbage dumps and backyards.

There was another meeting the day after that. That stupid black haired angel, Phil, was there again. I hated all of the angels, of course, but there was something worse about him.

He wasn't scared.

They all walked in, void of dirt, glowing in our dusty atmosphere, hurting my eyes. There wasn't enough room for their wings for them to sit comfortably on the chairs, so all of them were leaning forward and all of them reeked of fear. Their sparkling, bright eyes weren't happy like they normally were, but gazing at us with distressed interest.

All except black hair, blue eyes.

Since he sat across from me, I looked at him automatically. He smiled at me, all cheerful, although somehow I could tell it was an act. What kind of angel was this guy?

His wings tucked perfectly into his shoulder blades, and he looked comfortable as his pure gown met with the dirt of our furniture. There seemed to be not anything in the world bothering him. I wanted to punch that smile right off his face.

I knew he could sense my anger, because when I felt the red heat in my pupils, the cheesy smile on his lips transformed into a smirk. Smug? Was that an adjective that could describe angels?

Phil looked away from my dull eyes and instead focused on the front of the room; I tuned in on the words being spoken but didn't stop glaring at his face.

The problem, apparently, was that Hell was taking in too many humans and causing the population in Heaven to drop. Good, I thought in my head at this knowledge.

When I finally looked up at both Korey and Tyler, the angel had just said that there needed to be a limit. I didn't shout when the other demons did, but smirked when they all quieted down at Tyler's scolding. It was gone when he announced that he agreed. "However, with how large our population has gotten, there is a need for more food."

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