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Love wasn't strong enough to ward despair.

I learned this as I lay in bed next to Phil, my arms wrapped tightly around his torso, which was now wrapped in a blanket so that my touch wouldn't burn him awake. He had fallen asleep hours before, with dried tears on his cheeks that my fingers hadn't been able to wipe away. He was breathing softly, now; most likely the most calm he had been in a while, as I ever so often switched between burying my face into his shoulder and staring at the ceiling.

There was no use in sleeping; I would be leaving soon enough in order to make it out before any angels woke up.
But as I listened to Phil's breathing and mine fall into a similar rhythm, more and more questions seemed to lodge themselves into my mind, not allowing me one second of gentle peace. I couldn't just lay down and be okay, hold the angel beside me and feel calm. Of course, the thoughts of my personality and our relationship and my duties all hit me at once.

The idea that I could be happy just because I was with Phil was a good one, yet every moment where we weren't interacting seemed to make me feel even worse than I had the last time.

Of course I was happy to be around him. He glowed and shone; he was the one thing in my life creating any light at all that was different from the flaming one in my eyes. He was clean and strong, but with a steady personality I couldn't resist. He made me feel like I wasn't losing whatever battle I was fighting, and like everything would be alright someday, as long as I had him.

But there were always things to drag me down.

The night passed too quickly for my liking. I made sure to memorize the feeling of Phil in my arms, the feeling of my nose pressing against his hair, the scent of him and his touch. I began to subconsciously run my fingers up and down across his blanket covered hip, wishing that the blanket didn't have to be there. Wishing that I didn't have to get up and leave him.

Soon, I recognized the threatening light of the sun, shining brightly between the clouds, into Phil's window, and into my eyes. A rough reminder, a warning, that it was time for me to go. With a heavy sigh, I gently disentangled myself from the angel beside me, smiling in satisfaction when he didn't stir. Standing next to his bed, I brought a hand up to comb it through his hair, my eyes burning as he hummed in comfort and puckered his lips at the feeling. I tore my gaze away from his soft form, which was now latching onto the nearest pillow to make up for my absence, and forced my hands to lift so that I could perform my teleportation spell. They felt heavy, like my fingers were made of cement as I completed it, and in a short second, I was back in my room in Hell. This was about as early as I would wake up on a normal day, anyway, so to distract myself from thinking any further about how much I already missed Phil, I walked out my door.

I focused on removing my melancholy thoughts. Today had to be a normal day; Tyler had been watching me even more like a hawk in the past few days, especially since he'd come to me with his strange riddled words. I had attempted to not think of them often, though it was at times when I least expected it that they repeated in my mind.

Good and bad fluctuate.

None of it made sense. None of it could, not if Tyler didn't suspect or know anything. Why else would he tell me something involving being both good and bad?

I couldn't help when my skin felt cold at the idea.

However, a part of me assured me that he would have questioned me and stopped my trips to Earth if he knew anything. He didn't like me enough to try and keep me safe or let me do something that could cause issues between Heaven and Hell. Phil and I were responsible, so that wouldn't happen, but he didn't know that.

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