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My life was officially in chaos.

Rather begrudgingly, I decided it was the good type of chaos. The type of chaos where I smiled more and felt free and could do almost whatever I wanted. It was all thrilling and crazy, and yet I wouldn't have it any other way. It was almost like I was living again.

I'd expected what I'd gotten when I'd gone to visit Phil. Him yelling at me and telling me I couldn't be there. I wasn't angry at him, obviously, because he was right. I risked my safety to visit him, but I didn't regret it. I'd risk my safety for him any day for any reason.

While we were laying there, the urge to grab his hand and hold on wouldn't leave me, yet I knew that I couldn't do that. It would hurt, just like kissing him had, just like him grabbing me had, just like holding my feelings in had. I didn't mind the pain, but I didn't know if Phil was ready to deal with it all the time like I was. I would wait until he made it clear.

So, I'd remained still, relishing in the feeling of his thigh and torso against mine, even if through the fabrics of our clothes. It was still something, and it was still better than anything else I ever received.

I didn't sleep, however; I just stayed in that exact spot with my eyes wide open, listening to the angel beside me breathe. It was a good two hours before his breathing slowed significantly due to sleep, and I turned to find his eyes closed. I smiled, since at least one of us would get rest. He needed it more than I did, anyway.

When the sun began to shine through the clouds surrounding Heaven and into Phil's bedroom, I slowly slid out of his bed, knowing I had to get home before Hell woke up and noticed I was missing. I sighed deeply, looking at him once more. He looked like what he was supposed to look like while he slept; peaceful and happy and not at all stressed or irritated. That was all I wanted for him. I wanted him to feel like he was supposed to as an angel, and yet I couldn't fix the fact that he was different and neither of us knew why.

I bent down to place my lips against his hair, trying to avoid his skin, trying to avoid waking him up. We saw each other nearly every day, but for some reason, it felt like this moment would be the last completely peaceful one we would have. I stayed there for a few seconds, and then I forced myself to leave.

I teleported to my own bedroom, hoping that no angels had been awake to notice the Gate's shake. I had lied to Phil when I told him I could get past it, but I hadn't wanted him to worry.

Since it was still early, I could have slid back into bed, but I was too energetic at this point. I hadn't slept one second, but I felt more awake than I had in years. My lips were still tingling from the two kisses Phil and I had shared, my fingers still trembling with adrenaline.

The problem, now, was that I had to hide everything I was feeling. I had to continue doing my job and acting mean and killing, and if Tyler had any suspicions about anything I would have to shut it down as quickly as it was brought up.

But I also had to meet with Phil again later. Now that we were technically in some sort of relationship, I was going to treat it like one, despite the odd circumstances. I had a boyfriend. I had an angel boyfriend.

The thought made me smile, and it was strange; I couldn't remember the last time I had genuinely been happy about something that wasn't vile, such as killing. Now, I felt love and I felt joy, which were two things I wasn't supposed to feel, and I didn't care.

Unfortunately, the time for heading to Tyler or Connor and finding out what my schedule for the day would be came quicker than I wanted it to. I was hoping for a full Earth day, since I hadn't done any work while there yesterday, and I wanted to catch up before demons started suspecting things. I had to avoid questions, because I knew that lying would only cause frustration, which I was trying to get rid of as best I could. At least I had Phil's ring to help.

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