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When I woke up, it was too bright.

For a second, I couldn't see anything. It was all white as I squinted, trying to ward off how much my head was pounding, hammers mercilessly slamming against my skull.

I fought, though. Slowly, I managed to open my eyes all the way, my eyes watering as they tried to adjust to the amount of light around me. I managed to sit up, sliding my arms to my sides and pushing down on my elbows, groaning lightly as my entire body ached with pins and needles and bruises. I could feel my right eye was swollen, one of my legs slashed and badly bleeding.

After another minute or so, my eyes were finally able to make out my surroundings.

The room I was in was cold. The walls and floors were all grey, no windows or furniture except for one supply closet and a few chairs in the corner. There was a door to my left, and it seemed to be the only entry point, though I noticed a hallway behind me that I couldn't see the end of.

My memories were fuddled to the point that I had to lean my head back into my hands, shutting my eyes again in hopes of digging back into what had happened. I could remember the confrontation with Tyler and the angels, and I could remember when the realization of who that angel was hit me. Yet everything after the horrible things he had said- they were gone. I didn't know what I had done, why I had a black eye, why my limbs had so many burns and cuts all over them, and I definitely didn't know how I had ended up in this strange room.

How long had I been out? Had it been days, weeks, or only hours? And why was I here?

Painfully, I removed my head from my hands and looked up once more. I had too many questions. What was happening with the war? Who had put me here? Where was Phil?

Phil, my mind grasped onto the name, desperately holding onto it as if the word were water and I was parched. Suddenly, my headache was a thousand times worse, worry and fear finding me. My only other memory was short, and it wasn't impossible that I had imagined it. Opening my eyes to find Phil with his arms around me, his face red, scrunched and tears falling from his eyes. Joy finding them when I gasped out his name. Him telling me that it would all be okay.

But was this okay?

Adrenaline rushed through me. The idea that Phil had no idea where I was and could be in danger gave me the kind of strength I hadn't known I could feel when I was so damaged. I stood slowly, trying to avoid vomiting as nausea found me, my head spinning as I had nothing to support me. Yet I avoided the idea of sitting down again; I had to find my angel.

After another three minutes of me breathing heavily, staring at a tile on the floor in hopes of stopping my sight from blurring, I forced myself to look at the door in the room. I slid my feet over, my hand falling to rest against the grey metal to steady myself once again. The edges of my vision were continuing to focus and unfocus, every pound against my brain seeming heavier, and yet I knew I had to keep moving.

My hand fell to the door handle, and I let out a frustrated breath as I realized the door was locked from the outside. If I was feeling normal, I could have teleported myself out, but with the way my body ached with pain and how dizzy I already was, I assumed that it would not be a good idea.

I kept moving. Maybe the hallway that I'd seen lead to some back door. With a very small amount of hope pushing me on, I spun around, my gaze now locked on the dark hallway. Beads of sweat had begun to form on my forehead and my arms, yet I couldn't stop now. I couldn't stop now.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when, before I could make it to the hall, I heard the door begin to open. Quickly, I turned, my eyes widening at how the door knob was being messed with. My first reaction was to get back down to where I was sitting; I didn't know who was coming to see me, and I definitely didn't know if they would enjoy the fact I'd begun looking for an exit.

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