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~this is art submitted by fyreice3600 on tumblr!!! thank u so much(ill add ur wattpad @ if u comment) i genuinely appreciate anything anyone makes for my stories. remember that if u have anything check out my bio i have all my social media listed!

Phil POV


I didn't know how much longer Dan could last.

He would crack beneath the pressure soon enough; I didn't want to admit it because of the love I had for him, but it was true. He had already broken a few times, and if it continued, I knew something extreme would go wrong.

I wanted to believe, thanks to my angelic optimism, that it would be alright. That my demon could continue being a demon as he always had and remain unbothered beneath the radar for another two hundred Hell years or so. That it would get easier for him, and me.

Yet every time he cried because he couldn't kill a human, every time I had to touch my nose from across the room to remind him I loved him, every time Korey complained that the demons were only acting out worse; my hope dwindled.

My life was now filled with helping Korey with his responsibilities, which made it harder for me to spend time with Dan. I usually only got to see him for around an hour at a time these days, as my job called for me to be in Heaven nearly all the time. It wasn't just the lack of seeing him that had me in a worse mood, but the worry that came along with it. If he couldn't tell me what was going on, what else was I supposed to do except come up with the worst possibilities?

Today was another day, no different from any of my recent ones. I had to wake up early to go to Korey's office and find out what was bothering him that day and how I was supposed to help fix it. I resented how Phil of the past would have loved this job; he would have loved helping and having power and being someone of importance. But not anymore: not this Phil.

With some sort of weight dragging me down, I flew to the offices, not enjoying how my mind was still made up of flurries. Luckily, I didn't spy Louise anywhere, which meant I was free from pretending I wasn't getting even worse with my negative attitudes lately.

When I made it to my destination, Korey looked stressed once again, my heart sinking as he caught my gaze and proceeded to call me over. With a barely audible sigh, I obliged.

"There's no need for you to go to Earth today," Was the very first thing that left his mouth, causing my mood to drop even lower. That meant either no Dan, or me sneaking off for an hour just to hug him and leave soon after. Begrudgingly, I decided that not seeing him at all might be easier, since it was always too difficult for me to leave after such short periods of time.

Maybe it would be better for him, too, to stay away from me for a little while. All of the problems he'd been having only seemed to amplify when I was around, despite how I was his comfort outlet. If he had a few days to focus on his work and talk with Tyler, hopefully things would improve.

But yet again, I wasn't too optimistic.

I nodded at the angel in front of me, walking past him in order to check whatever papers had been left at my desk. Before, I had thought that Korey's worries were dramatic and wrong, but each day, the written evidence of crud encounters and human population ratings made me feel slightly worried. What we definitely did not need was a war between Heaven and Hell again.

The day went by quickly, which was unusual. Normally, when I wasn't with Dan, time passed slower every time I thought about what I could be doing instead of this paperwork. When Korey left, I left earlier than I was supposed to, once again convincing myself not to go to Earth when I so easily could. He needs time away from you, I repeated to myself over and over again.

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