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Phil POV


All I could feel was dread.

I didn't know what I'd expected to find when I'd followed Tyler and Dan towards the horrible noise, erasing any thoughts of what Tyler had said only moments before. The screech of metal felt like a hammer in my skull, but I pushed until I was running in the same direction as everyone else.

I remained at the back of the crowd that had formed, using my height advantage to peer over everyone's heads to try and get my eyes on Dan. I could only see Tyler, his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed as he confronted the angels who had obviously caused this destruction.

It had seemed like a civil conversation. It really had. That was, until I finally saw Dan, violently pushing his way to the front. The sight of his brown hair and familiar soft sculpted shoulders caused my heartbeat to slow immediately, a short breath of relief leaving my lips. Maybe it was sad how losing sight of him for even a second caused me panic, but in this situation, it made sense. I felt like he was my sun, and I needed to revolve around him at all times.

He looked stressed, and all I wanted to do right then was run up and wrap my arms around him. I watched as he came to stand beside his demon leader, eyebrows furrowed as he caught onto the words being exchanged. They were quiet, so I really had no idea. 

I began shifting forward, sliding my way between demons and angels to try and get closer to the confrontation. I had power over those two angels, anyway; I could try to help Dan and Tyler.

After a minute, I could hear voices rising, and the one that I heard was Dan's.

"You," I heard, his voice venomous, crackling with fire. I lifted myself onto the tips of my toes, looking over the head of a demon in front of me. Dan was glaring at one of the angels; he was a newer one, and I believed his name was Alex. Did Dan know him?

Confusion overtaking me, I continued to make my way to the front, slowly, right now. I could hear what was being said, but barely. A few seconds later, I recognized Dan's voice again.

"You killed me!" He was shouting, and I nearly froze. My brain seemed to freeze, any questions coming to me not even making sense. What does that mean? The angel killed Dan? Was he murdered as a human? How did someone who did that get into Heaven?

"You killed my parents." My heart sank into my stomach, a lot of things starting to make sense. Dan's parents had been killed, and apparently, this angel was the one who had done it. I realized, sluggishly, that my hands were shaking, but I kept moving forward, my steps and shoves more rapid now as I tried to get to the front as quick as I could. I knew that this could not end well.

I could hear Tyler desperately trying to calm Dan down, his hands in the air, his voice shaky. He knew about Dan's anger issues and what they caused just as much as I did. We couldn't afford for Dan to get into an extreme fight with an angel, and especially not if it got too out of hand.

I knew all hope was lost when the glint that had appeared in the brown of his eyes over the past few months disappeared. When the flames in his eyes stopped thrashing wildly, and instead began to burn straight upwards. When his face lost all emotion, turning to pure stone.

Dan, My mind begged as I looked at him, my arms and legs barely functioning correctly as I slowly, slowly grew closer to him. Look at me, touch the ring, do anything, please calm d-

And that was when he lunged at the angel.

Suddenly, everyone was shouting, but the only voice I could focus on was Dan's. Desperate, wrecked yells were leaving his throat, scratching against his vocal cords to his teeth and his tongue before finally escaping past his lips.

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