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I loved my mother, but it's nice not having someone like that always looking into your mind. I can't understand why Mare thinks I have forgiven her. I have not. I can't continue to go off on these tangents, I need to pay attention.

"Maven, what do you think." I missed something.

I looked at the man he was holding up two different signs. Propaganda signs. We have been doing everything to show reds their place, public executions of any red that disobey us. Instead of silver vs. silver showing off their abilities there is a lottery where we pick a red without a job and have them face the wrath of a silver in the area, if their family, or anyone, stands up for them they will be in there too; of course, this is if we don't have any criminals to execute. As a society we discontinued the use of prisons, all criminals are executed or sent to the choke as decoys. The draft of soldiers have increased in age range, anyone two years younger than the original age and two years older will be drafted. Techies are being drafted too and young reds from normal towns are being sent to tech towns to replace the drafted techies.

I pointed to the man's left, the sign shows propaganda that will scare the reds even more than they already are.

I leave that meeting annoyed, these Silvers are not respecting me, I need to show them some propaganda to. It is so funny how a man hated by everyone rules them all.

Well, it's time to see my brother.

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