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I made a mistake by totally ignoring Gisa but I was already a social outcast by then and my opinion wouldn't have made a difference. I let my brother win.

After this, my life almost completely fell apart. I found someone I loved but could only see her as a second Mare, so I left. I found someone else but she left me and after I gave up on love. Maven wouldn't let me be a part of his family, so I decided to open up a bike store. I named it after my son Mike and my daughter Beatrice, who we called Be for short (Bike=Be+Mike). This was after I met the second love of my life at my store and we had two children Mike and Beatrice. 

I lived a good life, and over the years, I distanced myself from the Barrow and the royal families. I can say that I never saw Mare or Maven in person after Maven took Mare away from me. I could never face my mistakes and that is one of the only things that haunted me for my entire life. 

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