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Up until the age of 15 all I knew was what I was given. I never ventured out of the palace on my own, I never tried to test out my abilities when not in practice sessions, and I never questioned what I was told.

One day a new instructor came. Cameron. She helped me discover new aspects of my ability and around her I was stronger.

I can take energy from one object and transfer it into another. But, I can do more than that, I can make an object disappear if I drain too much energy from it. If I can make the object disappear I can make it reappear. With Cameron, I learned how to make new things form.

At 16 I earned my story, I figured out about my father. Cameron told me, she fought beside them once, she fought beside my "parents", Susanna, and my father. I ran away that day, only to come back two days later, informed about the world outside the marble prison walls that surrounded me.

Like my aunt Mare, I can sense the cameras, I know that they all watch me closely, and I know that if I removed the cameras they would know. So I started to learn how to use computers to my advantage. And, I continued to be who I used to be.

I will figure out how to change this system, I will figure out all about the events that lead to my real father's death, and I will change the world.

Please comment below if you have any comments, or recommendations. I love books and am always looking for new, good books.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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