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I was held back. They didn't let me chase after Mare... Farley didn't let me chase after Mare.

Farley was the only one left. I lost Shade, I lost Mare, I always hated Cal, and I never felt connected to anyone else.


Farley and I grew up together, I married her, and I took in her child as my own. She named him after Shade, but I'm okay with that. We didn't have any other children. There was an age gap, but when it comes to this kind of thing age doesn't matter.

Farley and I did start talking to Mare, or should I say Susanna, and I grew closer and closer to Gisa and her family. I never did talk to Cal, though, I guess I could never forgive him for not chasing Mare...

Mare made me one of the first General in the Nortian navy. 

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