One of the guys

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"So. I guess this is it," I said awkwardly. "We're really gonna miss you Ror," said Jake, his blue eyes filled with sadness.

"I'm gonna miss you guys too, I mean, you're my best friends," I said, tears filling the rims of my big violet eyes.

"Ror, don't cry . . ." Malcolm said giving me a hug. My heart couldn't help but flutter even though I knew we were saying goodbye. Leo, Nicolas and Jake joined in and we made it a group hug.

"It sucks that you have to move," Leo said. "Ow! I mean, uh, stinks that you have to move," he said trying to cover it up.

Even though he hadn't really swore, I was only nine, and Malcolm was always trying to cover up anything the other two said. I was their little sister, one of the guys, their best friend. Even though with Malcolm I wanted more.

"You know you're our best friend right? We're not gonna forget about you," Leo said.

"Thanks guys."

"Boys, are you ready?" asked Mrs. Easthom, Leo and Malcolm's mom. "Promise me we'll stay in touch?" I asked. Leo nodded giving me one last hug.

After they walked across the street, I was left with Jake and Nicolas. "Just remember you always got us, ok?" Jake said. I nodded and gave them one last hug. "Boys? Time to go," Mrs. Nemruka, their mom said. Jake gave me another hug and left, then Nicolas said,"Rory I have something to tell you."

"What?" I asked.

"I- I like, um, uh- Rory I like you. I've had a crush on you ever since you were five," he told me. "Nicolas, time to go," his mom said. "Bye Rory, I defiantly won't forget you," he said. And then he was gone.

The entire way to the new house, I sat there shocked. For an hour. When we got to the new house, I cried. I cried because I had just left my two best friends, the boy I had like ever since j was five, an the boy who liked me ever since I was five. And I would probably never see them again.

One of the GuysWhere stories live. Discover now