Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

When we walked outside of the worn out house, I was greeted by the smell of salt water, and the beautiful sight of the boardwalk at night.

Shops were lined with lights and teenagers walked through admiring the serene scenery.

"Where are we going again?" asked Jake. "Double A's," replied Malcolm simply. Leo and Jake exchanged a look but I let it go. What could be so bad about Malcolm going to Double - crap. Annalise.

A trail of questions came at me like softball being pitched. Did he still like her? Did she like him? Is he going there to harass her about not going out with him? And let's not forget- what will happen when she see's him?

I guess I was so absorbed in my own thoughts, I didn't see the football soaring toward my head.

"Ahh!" I cried, knocking Leo down. "Woah!" he cried out startled tumbling down onto the boardwalk along with me.

"Bahk!" I exclaimed spitting sand out of my mouth. "What was that for?" Interrogated Leo. "You alright, baby cakes?" asked a familiar comical voice from above me. I looked up greeted by none other then The World's Biggest Jerk: Calvin.

I sighed and took Leo's outstretched tan hand. "Sorry about that sweet thing," said Calvin flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes. "Don't call me 'sweet thing'," I commanded getting up and brushing sand off of my jean cutoffs.

"Get away from my friends," growled Malcolm, with a fearsome fire of rang growing in his grey eyes. And just like that, the serene and peaceful atmosphere had been replaced with a tense anticipation one.

I had to admit, this scared me. I mean, come on, Malcolm was the laid back easygoing guy who was an observer. Now? He was an angry stranger willing to do take on Clavin.

"Who said they weren't my friends too?" challenged Calvin.

"Hey hey hey!" interrupted Nicolas. "No need to fight." the way Nicolas said it was in extreme warning.

But even I knew you couldn't prevent a hurricane.

Jake and Leo were smart and stayed silent, I on the other hand, couldn't have been any stupider. "Malcolm," I warned, knowing Mrs. Easthom would surely kill me if I brought home her son unconscious.

"Cute, Babe," said Calvin with a wink. I ignored him still looking at Malcolm silently pleading that he wouldn't throw a punch.

"Don't you call her that!" spat Leo, practically jumping on him. Calvin snorted. Malcolm seemed to suddenly realize where this was headed and snapped out of the state of absolute loathing he was in.

"Come on guys," he said cooling off. Leo gave him one last look of hatred before turning off.

I let out a worried breath that I didn't know I had been holding and turned to leave too. But not before a firm hand grabbed my wrist.

"See ya tomorrow, baby cakes," slurred Calvin. He didn't let go.

Instead, he pulled me in and kissed me.

I pushed him away, absolutely disgusted. "What the hell?" I screamed. But I didn't get a response.

Leo punched him in the face. "What the fuck man!?" he yelled.
"Tell your boyfriend to calm down babe," instructed Calvin with a forced ease.
"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" bellowed Leo.

I backed away startled. This was not the Leo I knew. Leo punched him with such force, I wouldn't be surprised if it knocked out a couple of his teeth.

After that, everything became a blur.

Chaos erupted.

Calvin's buddies tackled Leo, and the next thing I knew Malcolm was on Calvin and his friends with Jake and Nicolas helping him. Oh and let's not forget, a freaking crowd had to gather and watch.

Me? I stood there rendered speechless.

That is until I saw Leo get knocked out cold.

"No!" I gasped then ran over to him and dragged him (with much effort) out of the fight and set him over tot he side. Gosh what had he eaten? A sack of rocks? Oh wait no, it was his mothers cooking.

Then I ran over to Calvin and Malcolm where they were beating the crap out of each other. Both looked like they were going to pass out. I yanked on Malcolm's arm trying to get him away from Malcolm. "Get off Rory!" he exclaimed.

"No! Let it go! He's an ass and I know, now let. It. GO!" I screamed. He turned to face me and I saw his bruised mangled face. He had a black eye, his lower lip was bleeding, his tan face was covered in bruises, and his once perfectly styled spiked blonde hair, which looked like it had been through a cyclone, was covered in sand, blood, and sweat.

"Malcolm," I pleading, my voice wavering with fear, "please. Please, Malcolm, Leo's unconscious." He looked at me with those fierce grey eyes full of hate and determination, then said, "You're right. He- he's not worth it."

Just then, I saw a wooden blank coming toward the back of Malcolm's head as he started to walk away. "Duck!" I yelled, pulling him down and away. That was close, I thought.

Until I felt something hard knock me into Malcolm.

My vision blurred but I willed myself not to pass out. I saw a blurry figure of Malcolm punch Calvin so hard he literally flew back three feet. And didn't get back up.

"Rory, oh my god Rory, please tell me you're okay," he pleaded helping me up. "I swear, I'll kill him if its the last thing I do," Malcolm muttered.
"I- I'm fine," I stuttered in shock starting to get back up.
"Are you sure?" He asked concerned. "Yes. Now we have to help Leo!" I exclaimed. My petty little head could wait.

I looked away from Malcolm's intense grey eyes and saw that most of Calvin's friends were gone, and the one that were still here were trying to revive him from Malcolm's heavy punch.

"What are you all freaking starring at?" I screamed in exasperation at the crowd that had formed. Hesitantly they backed away, all shocked.

They weren't the only ones.

I saw Nicolas and Jake celebrating with each other over the victory. When they saw Malcolm staggering over to them they stopped. I ignored the ringing in my head and followed Malcolm's lead.

"He's unconscious?" asked Nicolas curiously. I nodded grimly.
"He was when he got knocked out."
"I'm fine through," said a shaky voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Leo standing up and walking. He, like Malcolm, had a black eye, bruises on his face, and hair that looked like it had been blown through a tornado. But he gave me a half smile that assured me he was fine. That's when I threw my arms around him and said, "Oh my god, you're okay!"

Leo let out a small chuckle and replied, "Well if I knew I would get a welcome like that, I should have gone unconscious I long time ago."

I pulled away relived and a little dizzy. Leo looked like he was seeing double or something then he asked, "Have there always been three of you Rory?"

Jake took his arm to steady him. "We have to get you all home. Come on," I commanded turning to leave.
"Shit! No way!" exclaimed Jake.
"You're crazy, the moms are going to kill us," argued Nicolas.

You have got to be kidding me. They're bleeding, bruises, and look like they are going to pass out, yet they don't want to go home and face their parents?

But this is all your fault, said a tiny little voice in the back of my head. I had to fix this.

"Too bad. Tough luck. In case you haven't noticed, Leo is barley able to stand, and all of you look horrible. So I don't care if you're scared of your parents. All of you are hurt," I said.

Then of course, because my day just couldn't get anymore eventful, I had to blackout.

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