Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

"Hey man," Nicolas said giving him the bro hug that all boys do. I didn't get how he could be so nice to him when Calvin was a jerk.

"Hey beautiful," he said turning to me. It made me blush because I don't usually get compliments like that. And for a moment I forgot about the horrible thing he did to Annalise, and he was charming again.

Snap out of it Rory, I commanded. Yes he was flirtatious like Leo, but his flirts were different. Calvin's were almost harsher, like it was just lines. With Leo, whenever he gave a compliment, he has that joking smile but his eyes said he meant it. That however, was not the case with Calvin.

So I just rolled my eyes in response. "What, you got a boyfriend or something?" Calvin asked. I blushed even more. Why did everyone think I had a boyfriend?

"No. Though I know you probably have a girlfriend," I guessed.

"Nah, I'm keeping my options open," he stated winking at me.

I wanted to crawl into a hole a die of embarrassment. Was he hitting on me? Was that sleezejerk really hitting on me?

"Rory, come with me to get some cotton candy," Leo said. I made eye contact with Jake and we seemed to share a look of agreement. Leo really just wanted to talk about Calvin. Jake's look told me not to go, so of course, I went.

"What?" I asked as soon as we were out of earshot.

"Your flirting with him."

"No I'm not!" I denied.
"Yes, Rory, you are. And I don't want you to be another Annalise," he told me.

At that remark, I got agitated. Did he really think I would be that stupid? That I would be that careless?

"I'm not going to be anther Annalise. I don't even like him that way!" I argued.

By now we had made it to the Cotten candy stand. There was a semi long line, so we had to wait a while.

"Well it sure seemed that way. And Calvin noticed it too," he argued.
"Noticed what?" I demanded.

"Your denial. Like you were telling yourself not to like him. He's not gonna leave you alone now," Leo explained.

"And you know this how?" I asked.
"Because I know Calvin."

And with that we paid for our cotton candy and want back to the others.

"So you don't want me to ask her out?" I heard Calvin ask Nicolas and Jake.

"Ask who out?" Leo asked. Calvin opened his mouth to say something just as Jake said quickly, "No one."

"Are you they your brothers or cousins or something?" Calvin asked me. I shook my head. "Really? Cause they sure are overprotective of you," he remarked.

I looked down at the floor. It was bad enough Malcolm didn't think I could take care of myself. Now the others didn't either? I could take care of myself just fine.

Just then Leo's phone rang and he went to go answer it.

"Calvin!" Called an overly preppy beach blonde girl with tan skin, big blue eyes, and tons of makeup wearing so short yoga shorts I wasn't even sure they were shorts, a hot pink tube top exposing way to much cleavage, and white Holister flip flops.

"Hey Britney," he said giving her a hug.
"Hi Jakey, Nicky," she said with such fake enthusiasm it made me want to vomit. They all waved a grudging hello.

"What are you doing hanging around with trash like this?" She asked with distaste looking at me.

"Your one to talk," I replied. The guys stifled a smile and Britney looked infuriated.

"I'd watch it if I were you," she warned hopelessly. Now I absolutely hated girls like this. Sluts, who thought they were better than everyone. So naturally, I gave her attitude right right back.

"Or what, you'll punch me? Wouldn't you break a nail doing that?" I asked sarcastically.

"Look here you -"

"Well, your parents just came in, so we should be going," Leo said coming back from the phone call, obviously sensing what was going on here.

"Right. See you later, you two," Jake said.

"Bye babe!" Calvin called. I could practically see how angry Britney was. And she was behind me.

"So I see you've met Britney," Leo said as soon as we were gone.
"She made an enemy," Nicolas clarified.
"With Britney, everyone's an enemy," Leo reasoned.

"Nope," I said, "not 'Jakey' or 'Nicky'!" I mimicked.

And with that we left the boardwalk laughing until we couldn't breathe.

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