Chapter eight

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Chapter eight

By the time it was lunch, Calvin had left us. Eddie's grill had called him in for the lunch rush hour. "So happy he's gone," Jake muttered.

"He's not that bad," Nicolas said.

"Are you kidding me? Of course he is," Jake said.

"No he isn't. He could be worse," Nicolas said hopefully.

"Just be happy Malcolm isn't here. He'd kill you for saying that," Leo said.

"Anyone want to tell me why he's so bad?" I asked. I was pretty sure they had forgotten I was there until now.

"Come on, were going to lunch," Leo said, turning right.

"Where?" Jake asked.

"Double A's."

I decided not to push the subject further until I could talk to Jake. He seemed like the most neutral out of the four. Nicolas was obviously favoring Calvin's side, and I had never seen Leo so serious about something before. Pulse I was pretty sure if I asked Malcolm, he would go ballistic.

"What's Double A's?" I asked.

"The only good place to go on this boardwalk for lunch," Jake replied.

Double A's was an old timey sixties dinner with a jute box in the corner, tile floors, and red and white booths.

"Jake!" A girl with shoulder length curly light brown almost golden hair, green eyes, and tan skin called out. She was wearing short-shorts, and a red and white Double A's T- shirt, and about ten bracelets.

"Hey Aves," Jake said giving her a hug. "Hi!" She said enthusiastically turning to me, "you must be Leo's girlfriend."

Leo's face turned bright red.

"Uh . . .," I trailed off.

"She's not my girlfriend, Avery. That's Rory, the best friend. You must have gotten her confused with someone else," Leo said becoming very interested in his sneakers.

"Oh, Rory! Right, I think I did get you confused," she said, slightly confused. Nicolas cleared his throat. "So, Aves, you've obviously meet Rory. Rory, this is Avery Cunnings, her dad owns Double A's," Nicolas said.

"Oh. So why is it called Double A's?" I asked.

"My dad name it after my sister and me because our names both begin with A's. Her's is Annalise."

"That's cool."

"So what can I get you guys?" She asked, "After all, I'm still working."

"Give her the Famous Double A milkshake," Leo commanded.

"Alright, you guys can pick a seat and I'll be out," Avery said walking off.

We picked a booth by the back near the jute box. I sat next to Leo and jake and Nicolas sat on the other side.

"You guys never answered my question," I pointed out.

"Calvin's a tricky subject around here," Jake said.

"Well what did he do?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later."

"You said that before," I pointed out.

"Look, Rory, it's not a good idea-"

"Here's your milkshakes," Avery said coming in with a platter of one strawberry, two chocolates and one marvel milkshake. Leo took the strawberry, Jake and Nicolas took the two chocolate, and Avery handed me the marvel.

"Try it. It's good, I promise," Avery said. I took a sip of it and my taste buds had a party. "That is good," I agreed.

"Hey Avery, we gotta work a double tonight," said a girl who looked exactly like Avery except for the length of her hair, this girls was slightly shorter.

"Ugh. Fine Annalise," she gave a begging look to the guys. "Sorry Aves, we already got jobs at the Surf Shack," Jake said.

"Fine," Avery sighed.

"Wait, Avery, I'll work here, if you need employees," I offered.

"Really?" Avery asked hopefully. "Yeah, sure," I said.

"Thankyou!" She exclaimed throwing her arms around me. Now I know it's rude not to hug back, but I'm not a hugger. I just don't do things like that.

"Can you be here tomorrow at eleven?" She asked. "Sure," I said with a shrug.

"Great. That's when your interview is. Thanks!" Avery exclaimed. And with that, she was off.

"Ready to see the boardwalk some more?" Nicolas asked standing up.


When we left Double A's, I noticed Leo and Jake seemed to be having a silent debate based off of infuriating looks.

"Alright. What are you guys doing?" I asked slightly irritated. They gave each other one final look of debate and then Leo said, "Here's what happened with Calvin."

"Are you going to tell her the real story or the nasty version?" Nicolas asked.

"I'm going to tell her the facts. Well, the first year we came here, Malcolm and Calvin were best friends. Then they met Annalise. Malcolm had liked her all summer and Calvin had only started flirting with her to make him jealous. So when the end of the summer boardwalk dance came along, both boys asked her and she picked Calvin. Malcolm was furious, saying how he wasn't right for her and then the next day, Annalise saw Calvin shoving his tounge down another girls throat."

I just stood there rendered speechless. So that's who Calvin was. He wasn't the charming, cocky handsome, guy I thought he was. No, Calvin Leznic was a jerk. He was an inconsiderate jerk.

"Hey guys!" Called a voice behind us. I turned around to see none other than everyone's favorite person: Calvin.

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