Chapter one

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Chapter one

"Rory!" My mom yelled happily walking through the door, coming back from her run. Oh no, I imidietly thought, whenever she sounded like that it usually meant that she talked to one of the overly preppy bitchy girls at school and thought the were the perfect little angle and wanted me to hang out with them. Just one of the perks of having your mom teach at your high school.

"What mom?" I asked carefully. I could never tell where these things were going.

"Do you remember Malcolm, and Leo and all your old neighbors?"


"Well, after the last day of school, we're meeting up with them in North Carolina at a beach house for the summer!"

I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped all the way to Texas. "Why?" I blurted out, then imedietly wished I hadn't say it. The year after we moved I pestered her every day wanting to go see them. Until finally I gave up. So now after five years they want to see me?

"Well, Mrs. Easthom called me while I was running and invited us, she said it would be a fun idea to have you kids together again!" she gushed.

Kids? I was fourteen now, going to be fifteen in August. And so was Leo. Jake and Nicolas would probably be sixteen, and Malcolm would be seventeen. We were defiantly not the merry group of little kids having water gun fights we were five years ago. But still, it would be interesting to see them. I guess.

"I already told her we were going, so start packing," she instructed.

"What about dad?" I asked. My parents were divorced and I always alternate weeks throughout the year with them.

"Oh, about that Rory, you see, your dad has to travel to Canada, for business. There's a good chance he'll be there all summer."

Now I was use to him traveling for business, a week in New Jersey, two weeks in California, but a whole summer in Canada? Not happening.

"Fine," I said icily. I walked upstairs and grabbed my suitcase. In one week I would be going to North Carolina with the best friends who forgot about me. This should be a fun summer. Oh yeah.

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