Chapter two

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Chapter two

"North Carolina? Your so lucky!" said my best friend Alyssa when I told her over the phone.

"Yeah I'm 'so lucky' to get to spend an entire summer with the friends that forgot about me," I stated sarcastically.

"No, I mean your so lucky to be spending an entire summer with four guys in a beach house!" She exclaimed.

"You do know, I've known these guys since they we in like kindergarten right?" I argued.

"Yeah, but that was like five years ago! Oh wait, hold on, I have another call coming in," Alyssa said. "Who?" I asked.


"Put her on," I commanded,"might as well tell her too."

"Seriously? Four guys? You know, I'd be happy to even out the system by coming with you," Chloe said when I told her. "Me too!" Alyssa chimed in. I laughed.

"Believe me guys, I already asked, but I got shot out of the sky before I could even finish the sentence."

"Ugh, well, see you tomorrow Rory," Chloe said. "Yeah, I have to start packing anyway," I said.

The last week of school was the same as any last week, dreaded finals, seniors graduating, and everyone hugging goodbye on the last day of school.

"Hey Rory!" yelled Christina, probably the nosiest girl in the world, as she walked through the crowd on the last day of school. "Hey Chrissy!" I said with as much fake enthusiasm as she gave me. We haven't spoken since seventh grade. "Is it true that your spending your summer with four guys in a beach house?" She asked curiously.

Of course, if anyone would know anything it would be Christina. "Why?" I asked. Not yes, not no, just why do you want to know. "Well, I was wondering if you like we're gonna take anyone and I thought we could like bond there since we haven't really hung out in a while," she said. Really? That was her argument? The we could "bond". Not in a million years.

"Oh, I'm sorry Chrissy," I started, I saw her smile fade when I called her that, she hates that name, "but I'm not allowed to take anyone with me." I said. And with that she huffed and walked away.

I waited down by the bus stop with Alyssa, Chloe, Matt, and Jonah.

"I can't believe we're not going to see you all summer," Chloe said.

"I know, I'm leaving after my mom's done packing up," I said.

"When you get back, we need to have a sleepover," Alyssa said.

"Are we invited?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow. "No! Gosh, your such a perv!" Chloe exclaimed smacking him on the shoulder.

When their buses came we hugged goodbye for the summer. "Call us," Alyssa commanded. "Yeah we want to know everything!" Jonah said mocking a girl voice. We all rolled our eyes and hugged.

"See ya guys," I called out as the bus drove away. I walked back into the mostly cleared out building, and went up to my mom's classroom. "Hey mom, what time are we leaving?" I asked.

"About that sweetie," she started. Great, my summer at a beach house ended before it even began. "I found out yesterday that my classroom is being moved and they want me moved in by July. So I called Mrs. Easthom and told her we would be a few days late when she offered to have Malcolm drive you down there!" She explained.

Lovely. So now I'm stuck in a car with my old crush for six hours who probably doesn't even want to drive me down there.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Is this Ms. Galloway's room?" asked a voice behind me. I turned around, and found myself looking at none other than the one and only Malcolm Easthom.

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