Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I didn't think someone could mess up spaghetti.

I was wrong.

The table was set all nice and neat, and everyone took their places. I sat next to Leo and Mrs. Easthom, so I had to hide the repulsed face I knew would come when I ate.

The guys and I were a little hesitant to serve ourselves. After all, we did have the liver incident to recall.

Leo shrugged and served himself a handful pasta, not bothering to put any cheese on it (according to him it was usually expired), and we all followed his lead.

I took a cautious bite and tried not to gag. The sauce was plain, and the pasta was a bit undercooked. I had to remind myself that the cook was sitting right next to me so I said nothing.

While the dads and the guys carried on a conversation about some sports team (I really try not to pay attention to those things because I couldn't care less), Mrs. Easthom had started to inquire about my mom.

"So, Rory, when is your mom planning to get in?" Mrs. Easthom asked.

"I'm not really sure. She just said when she was done organizing her new classroom," I answered.

Personally, I was glad she wasn't here. That way, she couldn't interfere with my business, couldn't bug me constantly, and most importantly, couldn't embarrass me.

"I'll have to call her sometime then," Mrs. Easthom said. "Oh and Rory, no need to call me Mrs. Easthom. Call me by my first name, Annette. Or you could call me Mamma Anne. All of Leo's and Malcolm's friends do."

"Oh, that's alright. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful," I said.

"Please! We're practically family!" She exclaimed. Wait, what did she mean by that?

"And call me Joan," Mrs. Nemruka offered.

"Really, I don't want I be disrespectful," I defended.

They both sighed. "Well the offer stands," Mrs. Easthom said.

Just then Malcolm abruptly stood up and shouted, "Indians suck!"

Nicolas followed his lead and bellowed, "White Socks can't even throw a pitch!"

"Are you BLIND?" Mr. Nemruka screamed.

"Fine! Then let's put some money on it!" Nicolas raged.

"Boys!" Mrs. Nemruka yelled. "This is enough! Really Nicolas? Gambling?" She asked shaking her head.

"Alright! Lets bet!" Mr. Nemruka agreed, ignoring his wife.

"I'm in. Hundred bucks says Socks beat the Indians!" Malcolm bided.

"Boys! This is ENOUGH! I'm trying to have a civilized family start of summer dinner, and you are ruining it! Now sit all of your immature asses down and talk and act like civilized people!" Mrs. Easthom screamed.

After that we were all silent.

As I ate, one phrase she said, or screamed, stuck in my head, 'trying to have a civilized FAMILY dinner.'

Did they consider me as part of the family? Did they actually like me? Was a actually welcome?

Mrs. Easthom interrupted my thoughts when she asked, "So Malcolm, how was work?"

Obviously she had gotten over the rage he had during her little outburst.

"Good," he replied cautiously.

"Rory has a job interview tomorrow at Double A's," Jake blurted out.

Malcolm tensed and all of the attention, once again, was turned to me.

"Really? What time?" Asked Mrs. Nemruka. "Eleven," I replied briskly. I noticed no one volunteered any information about any other events that had happened during the day (such as a little thing I like to call Calvin).

"Aren't you boys working somewhere this summer?" Asked Mr. Easthom.

Leo nodded. "The surf shack. I work Tuesday through Friday."

"Same. Only Monday through Thursday," Nicolas said.

"Yeah. Wednesday through Saturday," Jake explained.

"You guys are lucky. I have to work Monday through Friday at Dairy Queen," Malcolm complained.

"Wait, so all of you have jobs this summer?" Asked Mr. Nemruka. We all nodded. He looked surprised. "That's what I like to see! Young kids taking ambition," Mr. Easthom praised.

"Colleges like that too" Malcolm said.

"Well, I'm going to start cleaning up," Mrs. Easthom said, noticing our mostly clear plates.

"Thank you for making the dinner Annette," Mrs. Nemruka gushed.

"It was great," Mr. Nemruka praised.


"Delicious," Mr. Easthom claimed.

Definitely overdoing it.

"What did you think children?" Asked Mrs. Easthom. Clearly praise from the adults wasn't enough.

"Um, yeah, great."





Mrs. Easthom rolled her eyes and said, "We'll clean up. Go have fun you little liars."

"You want to go out to Double A's for some real food?" Asked Malcolm in a hushed tone heading to the door.

"Sure," I said with a shrug.

"Anyone else want to come?" Asked Malcolm.

"Anything to get the taste of cardboard out of my mouth," Leo agreed.

"And puke," Nicolas said.

"How do you know what puke tastes like?" Asked Jake.

"It just tasted bad, okay?" Nicolas defended.

We all laughed and Malcolm called out "Mom, we're going out it to the board walk!"

And it was just the five of us again, just like old times.

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