Chapter 1

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Luke's outfit

"Oh my goodness, he's so freaking hot. The things I would do to him and let him do to me." Luke said staring at Ashton's back as his back muscles contracted. Luke and Calum were sitting on the hill by the soccer field, watching their older brother's soccer practice.

"Um could you not. I may be adopted but Ashton is still my brother and you talking about him like that is creepy. You really need to stop before I throw up."

"You're dating my brother! I literally heard you give him a blow job last night. At least with Ashton I only talk about fu*king him instead of actually fu*king him when you're in the next room. I almost threw up last night!" Luke said pulling his sweater over his hands, creating sweater paws. Only wearing leggings and a light sweater was now proving to be a bed idea. Luke hated living In Canada.

"Whatever loser. Are you still wanting to try out for cheerleading?"

"Yeah, but I heard that the head cheerleader is really mean and homophobic. I don't want to be bullied because I'm a gay cheerleader. Talk about stereotype overload; epically because I already do dance and gymnastics. People who never stop bullying on me and I don't think that I could live like that." A few tears gathered in Luke's eyes, and he quickly wiped them away as a gust of wind went by and Luke shivered. He should knew by now that he needs to wear a jacket or a heavier sweater.

"You know that me, Michael and Ashton would never let anyone hurt you right. If this bi*chy cheerleader even tries to make fun of you we will all have your back and we won't let anyone hurt you. Michael and Ashton are both on the soccer team and they have power. No one will ever hurt you. I promise you Lukey." Calum said wrapping an arm around Luke's shoulder.

"Babe stop flirting with my brother and kiss me." Michael said as he approached the two boys with Ashton by his side.

"Ew, gross. I would never flirt with Luke. How do you think I am?" Calum said shoving Luke down the hill.

"Good because I might cry if you choose Luke over me." Michael said, pecking Calum's lips.

"I hate you both so much!" Luke exclaimed as he walked back up the hill. "I never want to see you two again." Luke huffed and stormed away. "I'm moving in with the Irwins, and replacing Cal. And because of this you two can't date because incest." Luke said sticking his tongue out at the two boys.

"Yeah whatever. We need to get home before mom freaks out and thinks that we ran away. I'll see you later babe. Don't forget about the party on Friday." Michael said and Michael and Luke walked to Michael's car.

"You're having a party on Friday? Am I allowed to come or is Cal the only exception like always?"

"No you can come because I know that if I don't you'll tell mom and dad and then there will be no party. You can also invite that Jess girl you're always hanging around with. As long as you guys don't ruin my party I'm cool with you guys coming." Michael drove out of the parking lot and drove home.

"My babies is that you? Because if you're a murderer then I have a knife in my hand I'm I'm not afraid to attack you with it." Liz yelled jumping around the corner from the kitchen, the knife in her hand. "Okay good, it's just you guys. I was prepared to kick some bad guy butt." Liz said waving the knife around.

"Mother stop before you kill someone." Luke said trying his best to stay away from the flailing knife.

"I would never hurt my babies; now go do your homework. We're having pizza for supper."

"Mom we've have pizza every night for the last week." Luke whined like a child. "Can't we have something healthier, or even just something else?"

"NO! We have pizza because Michael is dating Calum. When you decide that you want to suck Ashton's di*ck then we'll eat what you want. Until then shut you damn mouth and get your flat ass upstairs and do your homework." Liz sassed.

"My ass is not flat!" Luke yelled as he ran up the stairs. Luke huffed and flopped onto his bed. "Why is my mother so weird?" Luke grumbled before getting his homework out of his book bag.

Luke worked on homework until his mother called him down for supper.

"So I hear that you're having a party this weekend while your father and I are away?" Liz casually asked in the middle of dinner.

"Um... where did you hear that?" Michael nervously asked.

"I'm a mom I hear these things. Now your father and I talked and we decided that you can have the party, but there are some rules. Rule number one, don't break anything. If anything is broken then I'd break your dick and you can have fun fu*king Cal with no dick. Rule number 2 nobody is allowed in in my bedroom. The door will be locked and if anyone goes in there I will know. Rule number 3 Luke you may drink some, but don't get totally wasted. You remember last time right." Luke groaned knowing she meant the time that they were ay their aunts house for New Years Eve and Luke ended up stripping totally naked on the table then ran down the street.

"Please don't remind me about that." Luke groaned. Luke remembers every detail of that night, and it didn't help that Michael recorded it and loves to show it to Luke.

"Now other then that unless nothing is broken it's okay to have the party. No let us finish our nice family meal." Liz said as Michael smiled. Even though Liz and Andrew were extremely embarrassing they were great parents.

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