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In the world of magic, you'd think it would be easy for people to understand the concept of soulmates. Even muggles, with no knowledge of magic or how magic works, have figured out how the whole "destiny" and "soulmate" thing works.

The other witches and wizards can't wrap their minds around the idea. Once your fate has been written, there's no turning back. Why would you want to? There's no point in trying. But, from one soul to another, what happens will happen. It isn't, and never will be, your fault how things turn out.

If your destiny is to spend your days locked away where you pursue your life long career of being a rock then dammit it is going to happen and you damn sure should be allowed to do it.

If your soulmate is a muggle, then from the power vested in the universe you have our word that the rules stay the same. Nothing changes.

You are still going to get random drawings or messages or whatever on your skin from your soulmate. Just because your perfect match is someone different, whatever you write or draw in ink on yourself isn't going to not magically appear on them as well. Just like it does for everyone else. The universe doesn't give a shit about social ranking, race, gender, anything. If destiny herself doesn't make judgements then why do we?

That's just how things work. It's how life works. Why can't people understand that? Some things are just meant to be. . . .

That being said, if a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff are soulmates. . . .

Why should we be allowed to assume anything about how they end up? Why do we get to decide that its a mistake?

Fate doesn't make mistakes.

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