Chapter Six: Green Is SO Your Color

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(In the process of editing this so ignore the random gaps but I am changing a shit ton of this chapter because agahhah plot? What plot?)


"I'm serious!" Rhea tries to emphasize her point by throwing her arms in the air like she just does not care. . . oh but she does care. . . she cares a lot. . .

"You can't possibly be serious. You must be joking. That's preposterous." The shorter girl flings her arms into the air as well, causing the pair to look absolutely riddikulus.

"I'm dead Serius." Rhea looks over the girl's shoulder and a mortified expression quickly takes over her beautiful features when her sharp gray eyes land on a blob of blond hair. "Quick! Hide!" The bright haired girl gently shoves the smaller girl into an empty classroom and shuts the door.

*earlier that morning*

"Dannnnyyyyyy." Rhea whines, dragging out every syllable and pokes her best friend's shoulder.

"What?" Dan asks harshly, voice still rough from lack of sleep and lined with annoyance.

"Danny. . ." Instead of being surprised, or even hurt, at the sudden rudeness of her other half, Rhea's features quickly take on the tone of a concerned mother.

Dan doesn't acknowledge her, but instead swiftly jumps out of his chair and out the great hall, his uneaten breakfast slowly becoming cold.

Rhea carefully takes her special orange pen (special because it totally matches her natural hair) and gently rolls up the sleeve of her robes. She quickly looks around to make sure no one is watching.

She lightly touches the orange pen to her pale skin, already loving the tingly feeling moving through her arm, pumping through her veins and attacking her nerves.

In her short, yet seemingly light handwriting (as impossible as that sounds), she scribbles out a quick note, knowing for certain her soulmate would answer immediately.

When the enjoyable tingling sensation becomes more noticeable, she knows she has a reply. She looks back down at her arm and notices an answer in beautiful, cursive handwriting.

Seriously? That's the best question you could come up with? Besides. . . It's green.

Rhea carefully places the pen in her bag and waltzes to the restrooms to clean the remaining ink off her arm before seeing her soulmate.

(Now. . . err. .I mean. .
where we left off?)

(Lol psych it's Phil's POV and after classes around dinner time)

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