Chapter Five: Blood, Tears, and A Sharpie Marker

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Herbology. . . it had to be freaking Herbology. . . with Hufflepuffs. . . the world is against me. . .

Dan's mind keeps racing as he walks silently next to Rhea, who has been acting strangely quiet as well.

Dan finally notices and looks at her, concerned. "Rhea. . .? Are you okay? You've been quiet all day."

Rhea jumps, slightly startled, a light pink spreading across her cheeks.

"Oh. . ." Dan smirks mischievously and prods her shoulder repeatedly with his finger.

"Whatya thinking about?" Dan continues to poke her until she turns a brighter red.

"Nothing!" Rhea quickly runs off towards greenhouse five, pushing past people and leaving Dan confused, yet intrigued.

"Dan! Wait!!" Phil scurries across the grounds, his robes flying behind him like a cape. Dan pauses but doesn't look back to see who it is. He doesn't need to. A grin spreads across his face when Phil comes barreling towards him.

The two boys slowly make their way to their herbology class in a soft, comfortable silence. The air around them is crisp, but not cold, as winter begins to creep up on the castle.

Phil finally breaks the silence, turning to study Dan's face. "The cat whiskers. . . they're gone." Dan sighs dramatically and lets his fringe fall slightly into his eyes. "Why does everyone bring up the cat whiskers?"

Phil pushes the fringe back in its right place, a goofy grin still playing on his lips. "I liked them. They were cute."

Dan is left speechless at how nonchalantly Phil compliments him. The boy he has only known for a few hours, at the most, is already comfortable enough around him to say do things like that.

It was obvious from when they met that these two would be great friends, the connection undeniable.

"But they would definitely be cuter on me!!!" Phil raises his arms triumphantly when Dan laughs.

"Yes!!!" Phil jumps around happily, seemingly too giddy for this time of morning. "What are you on about now Phil?"

"I made you laugh." Phil points at Dan playfully only for Dan to glare at him.

"We're gonna be late for class." Dan (gently), slaps Phil's hand away in fake annoyance.

"To herbology!" Phil points towards the crowd of students gathered by one of the greenhouses, shouting excitedly.


Phil stops abruptly when he reaches the edge of the crowd. He figures out immediately something is going on that shouldn't be.

Phil uses his height to push through the crowd with ease. His eyes widen in concern and surprise at what he witnesses.

Laying on the ground, filthy and tattered, is his sister. Her blonde hair is caked in dirt and her arms are covered in blood, a mix of hers and some other kid's DNA.

She doesn't stay on the ground for long. She quickly jumps up and lunges at someone Phil can't see, knocking them both to the ground.

"COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!" Pyper shouts, her voice filled with a rage they surprises even Phil.

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