Chapter Four: You're Shitting Me

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(Ignore the picture it's just a reference for me)


"Yeah Madam Pomfrey said she could fix them sometime this week. She said she was too busy to fix them right now but I think she just hates me and doesn't want to deal with me until tomorrow." The little Slytherin boy looks up at Pyper with another of his over exaggeratedly sarcastic facial expressions making her giggle again.

Pyper still feels guilty about the whole incident and is checking up on him.

"She doesn't hate you!" Phil desperately tries to convince Dan that she's just a cranky old hag.

"She does! She rolls her eyes every time I go in there!"

"How often are you in the hospital wing?!" Phil gives another amused chuckle at the shorter boy.

"More than I should be. I failed flying as a first year! It's the easiest class at Hogwarts!" Dan can't help but crack a smile at his own misfortune.

"Don't you have to pass that class to graduate from Hogwarts?" Phil bites his lip and tries to show a little concern when he really wants to roll around on the floor with laughter.

"Are you shitting me?! Noooo, Phil! Tell me I don't have to retake the class with a bunch of first years!!!"

The professor turns around to give him a grin, "I guess I will have one of you in class after all."

"Don't worry Danny you'll pass this time around." Phil gives Dan a pat on the back before splitting away to go to his separate dorm.

"I wouldn't count on it!" Dan yells before making his way to the dungeons.

Phil turns and makes his way to the Hufflepuff common room, thoroughly exhausted even if they didn't actually do anything hard for detention.

Phil sits on his favorite plush, yellow armchair directly next to this wonderful plant that he likes to assume is some kind of magical species of plant. Do plants have a species?

Phil shook his head at the thought and burrowed further into the soft cushions before grabbing the laptop he kept hidden behind the potted plant.

Phil quickly turns the brightness down and sets up a small flashlight behind him before logging into the computer.

Phil carefully types in the WiFi password (DumbledoreRulez) and presses the record button.

The lonely Hufflepuff boy whispers to himself in the empty common room.

"Hey guys! So, school started back today and you won't believe what happened to this one boy I met in detention. . . . "


The morning after detention, Dan makes his way to breakfast earlier than usual and (tries to) very confidently stroll to the teacher's table. However, he trips.

Dan quickly scrambles off the floor and continues his trek to the long table.

"Professor! Er. . . . Mr. Weasely!" Dan calls out to the redhead in what Dan hopes is a confident tone.

"Hey Dan! I see you still have the whiskers. Stylish. Ooh is your patronus a cat??? I know someone that has a lion patronus. . ." the professor trails off in thought before he turns to look at the boy.

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