Still a Flashback

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"Are you excited to go to Hogwarts?" asked who I think is Fred."Yes I'm excited, I'm only worried about the house I'll be placed in" I replied.

"Eh I'm sure you'll be fine," said the other one.

"Do you guys want help?" I asked.
"No we'll be fine" replied the one I think is George.
"I hope you get into Gryffindor", said Fred.
"Well after meeting your family so do I"
"Aww", said George. Then Fred hit him upside the head. They walked down to the ready of people.
"Bye sweetheart," said my uncle as he gave me a hug goodbye. Then I walked out and got into the car to get to the train station, I had to sit next to Ron and Ginny. I talked with Ginny and learned that Fred and George are 3rd years, Percy is a 6th year and Ron is a 1st year. Once we arrived at the station they lead us to where we need to enter to get to the platform. Then we saw a boy looking very confused carrying an owl, so Molly helped him and he entered the pillar right after Fred and me. We entered the train and Fred and George helped me put my trunk away then they led me to a compartment, I saw Ron enter a compartment with the boy we just helped. I entered the compartment with Fred and George and I saw another boy sitting there.
"Fred, George who is she", asked the hoy.
"She's Devona my family was helping her get here, it's her first year so we're hanging out with her" replied George. they spent the train ride talking and getting to know one another. We arrived at the train station next to Hogwarts and I had to follow a large man but before that Fred George and their friend named Lee Jordan said goodbye to me then I got into a boat to cross the lake, I was in a boat with Ron and the boy we helped named Harry Potter. Once we were at the castle we were sent to a room and we started to talk to each other.
"Devona what's your last name or your blood status," asked Ron.
"Well I'm a pure-blood, but I don't see how that matters."
"Awesome me too, but why won't you tell me your last name"
"Leave the poor girl alone Weezlebe," said a blond boy as he walked up and stood next to me.
"So what if I don't Malfoy" retorted Ron.
"You'll have me to deal with" replied Malfoy.
"You two don't want to get caught up with his kind"
"Why would we want to be with your kind?" I replied sassily. but before he could answer a teacher came in and took us to the Great Hall and we began to get sorted.  They called names and people went up and the hat shouted out their names.
"Devona Black"
"Hermione Granger"
"Seamus Finigan"
"Neville Longbottom"
"Draco Malfoy"
"Padma Patil"
"Parvati Patil"
"Harry Potter"
"Dean Thomas"
"Ronald Weasley"
"Blaise Zambini"
This ended with great clapping while the houses greeted their new members as they sat down to start eating.

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