Sentence Prompts

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There will be some Sentence Prompts posted on here, I will make sure so let you know at the beginning of the if it's a prompt, if there's nothing written at the top of the chapter, 

Send a au prompt number to my ask box for me to write a one shot on. I will write about Flash Characters, Supergirl Characters and Grant Gustin.

How to request: Send me a message with a number and a character Do not add a prompt it makes it more difficult for me to add the prompt in with a prompt. 

Example of a prompt request: #007 Sentence Prompt with Barry Allen. 

If you send in a prompt request, these are the only type of requests that I will accept that don't have a prompt.  

AU PROMPTS: Will probably be adding more to this as time goes on. If you do request a number, please send an ask saying something along the lines of # AU not just the number, because I also have Story Sentence Prompts.

I tripped on the stairs running to catch the subway and I kind of sort of fell into you and caused you to drop everything you were carrying

I called you a son of a bitch after you butt in front of me at the coffee shop, and you turned around and you ended up being hot as hell and ended up I ended up buying you a coffee. You buy the next one alright.

You kept sneezing in the library and I've been up studying for 14 hours now and I just threw a book at you telling you to shut up.

I got lost while visiting your city and ended up on your doorstep.

I'm on the verge of tears because of a rude customer and you step in and stand up for me

I write a bad pick up line on your cup every time I'm your barista

Should I be concerned about how much caffeine you're taking in

We're both teachers and the kids talk about how they ship us while they eat their lunch

You're a teacher and I'm your teacher's assistant and we hook up during spring break

This is my phone?? what do you mean this is yours, see it has a picture of my cat- oh this is not my phone

Going through old photos together and collapsing into laughter every three pictures, and zooming in on ones where we're pulling awful faces or ones that were taken at just the wrong moment

Meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room

The guy living below me has a really loud alarm clock that always wakes me up at the ass crack of dawn

You went to investigate a scream and found me standing on a chair to avoid a spider

Your sister got the wrong house number and barged into my apartment

I was trying to take a sneaky picture of you because i told my friend about the hot guy on the train and she wanted to see but you totally noticed and yeah this is awkward

we both have insanely drunk friends at this party and they're making out, so can you drive me home since my rides preoccupied and I have a headache and want a burger.

we're next door neighbors in an apartment building with really thin walls and we talk a lot but we've never seen each other in person

I got up at 2 am to get some snacks at the convenience store down the street and opened my door to find you trying to sleep on the floor of the hallway because your roommate has his fiancée over so i guess i'll lend you my couch for the night

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