Ask Her (Cisco Ramon x Reader)

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A full story from How You Meet We met at Big Belly Burger. He ordered one of everything off the menu, which caught my attention. The fact that he was unable to carry the eight paper bags filled with food, was another thing. I giggled as he tried to open the door to the establishment. I jogged up to him and gave him a hand. I took a few of the bags that were covering his face and opened the door for him. The way he blushed and stuttered a thank you was cute, but when he regained his cool composure I couldn't help but smile.

I made my way into the lunch-rush filled Big Belly Burger. I stood in line behind around fifteen grumbling suits. "Hurry up already!" A few people groaned as they looked down at the watches around their wrists.

"It's not my fault I was sent here to get lunch for my whole office!" A guy in a grey sweater turned around and yelled at the crowd. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"You didn't have to buy one of everything!" Someone called and I raised a brow.

"One of everything eh." I chuckled

"Buy the office it's week of lunches on a different time! Not during the lunch-rush!" Another person yelled. I rolled my eyes and stepped to the side of the line.

"Cut the guy some slack." I called. It was quickly followed with a bunch of angry business men and women turn towards me and yell a chorus of Shut up!'s and a few hands flew up with their middle fingers extended.

"Thank you!" The guy at the till looked back at me.

"Okay I can finally help the next person in line." The cashier called and the restaurant was filled with applause.

" 'Scuse me." The man finally turned away from the till, there had to be at least seven to ten Big Belly Burger takeout bags in his arms, and he seemed to be struggling to see over top of the bags. I giggled to myself as he strategically weaved through the tables.

"C'mon watch out man." A guy that was walking through the door pushed passed the guy. I stepped out of line and jogged towards the door. I reached out and pushed open the door just as he walked in front of the door.

"Oh sorry. You go first." The guy said quietly through his mountain of bags.

"No, no I'm here to help you." I chuckled "Let me take some of those bags." I said and reached up.

"I got it." He said quickly.

"I promise I won't steal your food. You seem to be struggling." I smiled and grabbed four bags. His cheeks began to turn a light tone of pink as he stuttered a thank you. With my hands full I helped him walk out of the establishment. "I'm (Y/n)." I smiled over at him.

"Cisco." He smiled widely.

"So you must have one hell of an appetite." I joked.

"Oh uh this isn't all for me." He shook his head, causing his shoulder length hair to whip around in the cold Central City wind. "It's for my coworkers and I." He laughed

"Well your coworkers must be very thankful that you just put up with all of those crappy people." I smiled as we reached a white van with Star Labs printed on the side.

"Well I'm very thankful that they sent me." He unlocked the passenger door and placed the four takeout bags he was carrying down on the seat.

"And why is that?" I asked as he took the bags from my hands and placed them on the seat.

"Because I met a really gorgeous girl." He smiled awkwardly then nodded. "That sounded corny didn't it?"

"A tiny bit." I chuckled. He reached up and pulled a bluetooth headphone out of his ear. "Are you some sort of spy?" I asked with a chuckle

"No. I'm a superhero." He winked.

"I bet you've picked up a lot of girls with that line." I smirked

"Is it working?" He questioned

"A tiny bit." I said again as I held my pointer finger and my thumb a small bit apart.

"Ask her out to dinner!" I heard a muffled voice coming from the headphone.

"I think you should listen to your conscience." I smiled

"She's a smooth talker!" The voice shouted and I chuckled.

"So whaddya say?" He asked

"I say lots. I am a very fast talker." I smirked

"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" He asked

"I would love that." I smiled.

"Ask her for her number!" The voice from the headphone called.

"Do you have a napkin and a pen?" I asked.

"I'll find one!" He smiled and began searching through the van.

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