Happy Part 2 (Grant x Reader)

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Not a lot of GrantxReader in this part, but if there's enough interest for a part 3, there will be some in the next part.

(R/g/n)= Random Girl Name

"Good afternoon (Y/l/n)." James the set security guard smiled at me as he walked up to me. "Long time no see." He smiled
"Yeah it's been a while." I sighed "How have things been around here?" I asked trying not to make conversation.
"Horrible." He chuckled. I smiled and chuckled
"Oh c'mon now." I chuckled and someone started talking on his walkie talkie we said a quick goodbye and we parted ways..
"(Y/n)!" I looked to my left towards where the cast trailers were parked. I saw the whole cast standing around, and I saw Carlos smile at me before running towards me.
"Carlos!" I yelled back at him and jogged towards him.
"What're you doing here?" He questioned as we hugged.
"I just missed you guys." I shrugged.
"I thought you and uh.. Y'know um you guys had a fight." He mumbled
"We did." I sighed "But instead of sitting alone at home I figured I'd act like an adult and come visit my friends." I smiled sadly.
"He's here though." He warned me
"Well this is his place of work so I figured" I chuckled "It'll be fine Carlos." I reached up and ruffled his hair. He pouted and swatted my hand away.
"I just don't want you guys to argue." He stated.
"We won't." I gave a supportive smile tapped my hand on his shoulder. "We better get going over there. I haven't seen everyone for a while." I chuckled. He nodded and we walked over to the rest of the cast.
"Welcome back shorty." Teddy walked in between everyone and towards me.
"Teddy Bear! What's good?" I smiled as he hugged me.
"Better now that you're back." He smiled
"Wow I should leave more often if you guys show me this much love when I get back." I chuckled
"No!" Almost the whole cast shouted
"You're not allowed to leave anymore!" Violett laughed
"Well we won't have to worry about me leaving anymore" I chuckled
"What do you mean?" Jesse asked
"I was offered my job back here" I shrugged and smiled.
"Alright well I've gotta go to hair and makeup. I'll see you guys later. Good to have you back (y/n)." Grant stood up from the steps of the trailer we were standing beside and walked off. Everyone went quiet as he walked away and an awkward silence fell between us.
"So what's new around here?" I questioned breaking the silence.
"We think Grant and (R/G/N) broke up." Candice blurted out
"Okay? Does that matter?" I asked. Acting as if I didn't care.
"He hasn't been the same since the argument you two had." Jesse sighed
"It's affecting his work. We need your help." She said as she stepped towards me.
"How am I supposed to help him? The last time him and I spoke was when I kicked him out of my apartment. I doubt he even wants to see me let alone discuss his relationship issues with me." I sighed. The group fell silent again.
"This is going to get weird." Carlos mumbled
"No it won't" I assured him, and the whole group looked at me. "What?"
"You've been avoiding him like the plague. Don't cha think that that's going to be a bit awkward with you working here again?" Jesse chuckled awkwardly.
"Well working on tv sets have taught me a thing or two about acting, so I'm sure I can act as if being here isn't making everyone around me awkward." I smirked at him
"We won't be awkward!" Carlos urged
"And I won't be avoiding anyone like the plague." I chuckled.

"So I say we all go out for some celebratory drinks." Danielle wrapped her arms around my shoulders as the cast and I walked towards the parking lot.
"What're we celebrating?" I cocked my brow and glanced at her.
"The return of our favorite crew member!" Carlos pumped his fist in the air which caused the group around us to cheer.
"So the regular spot?" Tom asked
"Same table." Candice laughed
"Oh how I've missed our bar." I placed a hand over my heart and smiled.
"Oh how we've missed you." Violett smiled.

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