Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Author P.O.V*

*A Few Weeks Later*

"What's wrong?" Niall asked feeling the tense in Harry's body, which he was currently leaving love bites on.

"I haven't seen Zayn in a while." Harry breathed out as he watched Niall pull off his boxers and kiss along his hips.

"He's probably fine. He'll come around soon." Niall said about to leave a few love bites on Harry's hips but there was a knock on the front door."Please don't get it."

"It's probably Zayn." Harry said with a hopeful look in his eyes and a hopeful smile as Niall mentally groaned.

Niall sighed and rolled out the way as Harry got off the bed. Harry picked up his boxers and pulled them up on his legs. He grabbed the baggy shirt he was wearing before heading down to the door. He opened the front door to see Shawn standing there with his hair slick back and a suit on his body. Harry's eyes grew wide and a smile grew on his face seeing Shawn pull out a white rose. Harry took it with a chuckle trying to figure out why on earth was Shawn here and dressed like that. Shawn frowned seeing the hickies littering Harry's body and how Harry just look fucked out. He just knew that Niall was upstairs, which made his blood boil. He knew that Harry deserved better than what the blonde upstairs was giving him. As corner as it sounds, Shawn really did wish that he could sweep Harry off of his feet and take him away from him. Shawn was snapped out of his thoughts when Harry waved his hand in his face.

"I came to ask you would you like to go on a date but I see you're busy." Shawn said then turned around to leave.

"It's fine. I'm not busy." Harry said making Shawn turn around quickly with a big smile on his face."I'll be down in fifteen minutes."

Harry let Shawn inside then closed the front door. He ran upstairs to get ready not paying attention to the confused look on Niall's face. He had honestly forgot that Niall was even up here. He didn't have a suit but he did have a dress shirt and pants. He made it work too as he grabbed his phone and keys. He stuffed it in his pocket before he went to the bathroom to see did he look okay. He left the bathroom once he knew he looked okay then went downstairs. He was so in his head that he didn't even hear Niall following behind him. Niall definitely wanted to know who took away his fuck toy. One of his eyebrows lifted up seeing Shawn kiss Harry's hand then spun him around with a chuckle. It did hurt Niall just a small bit seeing someone else touch Harry. He cleared his throat making Shawn and Harry look his way. Niall crossed his arms over his chest as he opened his mouth to speak.

"We were in the middle of something Harry. Where are you going with him?" Niall said and Harry sighed as he pointed between himself and Niall.

"Last time I checked we were nothing more than two friends who fucked. You're also not my boyfriend so you shouldn't be concerned with who I'm with." Harry said making Niall clench his jaw.

"Use a condom then kids." Niall said very bitterly making Harry cringe in shame even though he had no reason to feel that way.

"I'm not that easy." Harry mumbled thinking that Niall didn't hear but he did unfortunately.

"Tell that to your virginity that I took in under a week that we met. You just might finish what we started with him." Niall said with a smirk really wishing he could close his mouth as he saw the hurt look in Harry's eyes.

"Could you be anymore of a jerk?" Harry mumbled as he really tried not to cry his eyes out while putting fallen hair strands behind his ear.

"I'm not using him for sex unlike you. You don't even want me to tell him how many people you possibly had sex with." Shawn said wrapping his arm around Harry's waist and pulled him close.

"Can we just please go?" Harry asked quietly making sure not to glance at Niall, who huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't-" Niall cut himself off not wanting to tell his real feelings as Shawn and Harry left the house.

Harry and Shawn sat across from each other in a nice restaurant with big smiles on their faces. The date was going really good so far even though Harry couldn't stop thinking about Niall. The words he said really did hurt him because he wasn't a slut. That really shouldn't have got to him but he really couldn't help it at the moment. Harry was taken out of his thoughts as their waitress came over and sat down their dessert. Shawn fed him with a chuckle trying to get rid of the frown he saw on Harry's face. It worked because Harry was soon laughing and smiling again. He fed Shawn while making little car sounds as Shawn made airplanes noises. They finished their food before heading back to Harry's place. They shared little things with each other on the way back. In no time Harry was standing in front of his door with Shawn holding his hands. He leaned in to kiss Harry's cheek but the door opened and Niall stood there.

"Zayn's here for you." Niall said and grinned when Harry rushed in the house leaving Shawn there with a frown on his face."I win."

"He's not a damn game. He's human and deserve someone that's going to treat him like that." Shawn said nodding his head to the way Harry went.

"Go tell him all of that because he came running to me first for sex not me. All I did was say a few words to him and smiled." Niall said before taking a step back and shared to close the door."Have a good night."

"I really hope someone puts you in your place!" Shawn shouted as Niall closed the front in his face with a fake yawn.

"He's not here, Niall." Harry said while slowly scratching the back of his head with a pout on his lips that Niall couldn't help but to kiss.




I love the fact that you guys thought Zayn liked Harry even though its clearly obvious Zayn doesn't like him plus he's dating Louis. There was no sarcasm in there so please don't think I'm being a bitch. A lot of people think since they can't hear my voice they think I'm very bratty or bitchy. I'm just like a kitten. Curious, sassy, cuddly, and very talkative. I don't know what I'm saying so as usual I'll leave on a awkward note.

Bye my I'd Love To Change The World. 😁😀😃😄

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