Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

*Author P.O.V*

It is a week later and the room the three friends are in was fill with crying, flashes, and claps. There is balloons and posters everywhere with different words on them. Harry sits next to Zayn both of them smiling hard and gripping each others hands as they look up at the stage. They glance back at their parents to see them waving and smiling just as hard as them. Niall sits two rows ahead of the two best friends messing with his gown. He already has two jobs ready for him after college. That's all he can think about really. Would his jobs get in the way of Harry's and his relationship? He really hopes not. He wants to prove himself to Harry and to himself that he can be in a long and meaningful relationship. All he has done with Harry this week, sometimes with Zayn there too, was play videogames and watch movies. He loved every minute of it. He has found out that he is a huge gaming nerd. He finds it quite cute too when Harry would get very frustrated at him for being too good for a beginner.

The blue eyed male looks behind him for his curly haired boyfriend and finds him being shaken by Zayn. His green eyes are closes and his mouth is open into a smile as if he is laughing. The blonde can't hear the laugh since the room is so loud. He wishes he has his phone on him so he can take a picture of this moment. Zayn has stops shaking Harry, giving him time to catch his breath and open his eyes. Once he does, he make s eye contact with the blue pair of eyes that belong to his boyfriend. He smiles at him and waves with Niall doing the same. The two are unaware of the fact that Niall's parents is taking a picture of them at that moment. Niall's mother is sure that she is going to bring up that picture when they head out to eat after the graduation. There is a tap on the microphone and everyone turn to look to see who is being call up next.

"Niall Horan please come to the stage." The female says and everyone starts whistling and cheering like wild animals.

"That's my friend's man!" Zayn yells out while getting up from his seat and cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Oh fucking my god." Harry says, face palming and shaking his head not getting rid of the smile that is on his face though.

Niall waves and smiles at people as he makes his way to the stage. Some females and males are checking him out and trying to gain his attention. He don't notice them though. He does notice, though, the people in the past he has slept with has made posters for him. Even people he didn't sleep with made posters for him, which he finds a bit strange. His tattoos are on full display since he has his sleeves roll up on his gown. It isn't that he is trying to gain all the attention. It is just the way he likes to wear his clothes. When he gets on stage, he looks over at Harry and gives him a wink. Everyone knows that the two are a thing but that still didn't stop people from trying to sleep with either one of them. It kind of hurt Harry's feelings because to him it looksd like they thought their relationship is a joke. He doesn't bring that up to Niall or ever will. He knows he is just being a big baby and just needs to suck it up since he is a adult now.

The ceremony goes on for ten minutes before Harry's name is announces and Zayn goes absolute wild. He has punches Harry multiple times in the arm making sure they are gentle punches. He can't stop screaming in Harry's ear and pushing him. Harry goes up on stage hiding his face slightly from all the attention. The attention only gotten bigger when Niall steps over to him and kisses him on the lips before he gets back in his position. People have start to scream and whistle even louder after that. All the green eyed male can do is blush and keep his eyes on the floor. The main person he hears is his best friend, which makes him laugh at his silliness. Harry knows his dad and mom are going to bug him about that kiss later on. He knows that it is going to have him blushing and choking like a madman too. He takes his position behind Niall then pushes his glasses up to his face with a wiggle of his nose.

The rest of the ceremony goes by like a breeze. Harry and Niall are now accepting gifts and hugs from all the friends and family that came out to see them. The two didn't leave each other's side the whole afternoon. It is a lot of pictures of them taken cuddling, laughing, and kissing some more. Zayn is the main one taking the pictures and showing them to the friends and family without the couple knowing about it. Zayn figures that they wouldn't mind. The big group of family and friends goes out to a nice restaurant to celebrate. The couple sits next to each other, of course, with Zayn sitting next to Harry, who has his head resting on Niall's shoulder. They hold hands under the table with Niall's thumb rubbing the back of Harry's hand gently. Everyone has order their food and they are just waiting on for it to come. Until then, Harry is about to be swarm with a bunch of questions by his family.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Harry's mother asks making the everyone focus their attention on the couple.

"For uh about two weeks now. We knew each other beforehand and it was rocky so we gave each other space before trying again." Harry explains, sitting up in his seat a little bit.

"This time I hope it last longer. You two look like you were made for each other." Harry's father says, which makes Harry blush deeply and Niall smile brightly.

"I know right. Just look at these awesome pictures I got of them." Zayn states while taking out his phone and showing it to everyone at the table.

"Someone shoot me now." Mumbles out Harry as he covers his eyes with his free hand hearing everyone coo at the pictures.

"So I've noticed the tattoos and all the attention you brought at the ceremony and I'm curious to know if you have a job since college is over for you because you look like the twenty four seven party guy." Harry's sister says, giving Niall a powerful glare.

"Yes. I actually have two." Niall states not bother by her doubtful attitude towards him.

"Doing what exactly?" She asks with a scuff while picking at her nails.

"A tutor for a school program for special children and a weekly performer at a small pub." Niall says and Harry gasps since he didn't know about any of this until now.

"That's amazing. I wish you would have told me sooner because now I feel like shit for not finding a job yet." Harry explains with a pout but Niall kisses it away and the table awes again.



We all know that someone in the story has to be that negative energy and that person in this one is Harry's sister. Anyways, this was a filler chapter and the next one might be one too but with some fluff as well. Anyway, thoughts on this chapter as a whole or individual people in the story???

Bye my Bodak Yellow.🌛🌎☁

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