chapter nine

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Chapter Nine

The city streets were slick with a cold rain that had fallen an hour or so earlier, and the streetlights were reflected in the puddles that had formed, making for a night almost as full of sparkle as Las Vegas. Trent directed his low sports car according to instructions Chynna gave him, his pace slowing as he realized he didn't really want to take her home.

They'd stayed until after midnight. Kane Haley, his boss and old college roommate, had showed up and danced with Chynna and with Julie and the four of them had laughed and talked for a long time.

Some things about Chynna had surprised and intrigued Trent. He just had to remind himself Chynna was the same sort of operator her sister had turned out to be. Which was the reason he'd asked for her help in the first place.

"Do you think in the end your mother believed it?" Chynna asked him.

"It doesn't really matter. I think she's finally starting to accept the fact that I'm not marrying anyone, especially not someone she pushes at me."

Chynna was quiet for a moment, then said softly, "She loves you, you know."

He glanced at her pretty profile. "Of course she loves me. That's just the problem."

"Be kind to her." She sighed. "You're lucky you have a mother."

He didn't answer, but he did insist on accompanying her to her door. As they waited for the elevator to arrive, she turned to him and smiled.

"I just want to thank you for this evening."

"Thank me?" Her face looked so lovely in the dim light, he found himself wanting to stare, to fix a copy of her picture in his mind forever.

"Yes." Her quick grin looked impish. "I actually had a lovely time, despite all the ups and downs. It's been so long...." Her voice trailed off and her grin faded.

He caught the note of pain in her voice and looked at her curiously. "I assume you're not married," he said casually. "Are you dating anyone special?" He hated to admit how closely he was watching her face for her reaction to that question.

"I'm not dating anyone at all," she said firmly, her chin high. "And I don't plan to. I gave all that up a long time ago."

Turning toward her, he couldn't resist touching her cheek. "Who hurt you, Chynna?" he asked softly, searching her eyes. "What happened?"

She lowered her gaze, avoiding his scrutiny. "That was a long time ago. It's irrelevant now."

He frowned, wondering why he felt such a strong, irrational desire to get revenge for her. The impulse was ridiculous. She wasn't his. And the elevator had arrived.

"I'm glad you had a good time," he told her as he escorted her aboard. "Even though I had to blackmail you into going with me."

She laughed, her mood changing like a summer day. She led him off and into a hallway. "Here's my apartment."

"I guess this is it." His smile was lopsided. "Shortest engagement on record."

The urge to kiss her grew in his chest and he started toward her, hungry for another taste of her warmth. But something in the look on her face, some fear, some warning stopped him.

Looking away, she quickly fumbled for her key and fit it into the door.

"Well, good night," she said brightly, gave him one last smile, and disappeared into her apartment.

He stood staring at the closed door, uttered a low oath, and finally turned back toward the elevator.

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