Taking a Break

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The title of this is self explanatory I'm taking a break. Sorry if you hate me for this but I already update irregularly but now just think of it being permanent. Over the past 2 months I've had 4 emotional breakdowns. I had one yesterday and another again today. I'm not coping with the stress of school and the expectation that people have of me and by taking a break from writing fanfiction I don't have to worry about writing something for you guys, girls and others (yes I do check out the demographics. Hiya to all my fellow Aussies). I'm sorry for leaving you all hanging onto an incomplete story but right now I just need a latte, a hug and to cry a little bit before I have to face all the work I have for school. I really do love you guys I'm yet to get a mean comment and reading what you have to say always makes me smile so don't be shy. I'll still respond to comments so if you want to ask anything you can. Sorry again,

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