Chapter Seven

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I don't know how normal girls would try and get a guy's name and number but it couldn't be tailing him till someone says his name and till he gives his number to a friend. Now of course I knew that I couldn't tail him, that would take to long. Mom was expecting me to get it like a normal girl would, however normal girls get one's number.

As I walked up to him, his half smile turned into a full one then dropped slightly when I kept walking. I stopped suddenly at the corn dog stand before turning back around and walking up to him to ask him something.

"Um excuse me, can you help me? I just moved in with my grandparents and I don't really know where everything is." I said nervously with a slight laugh following.

"Oh yeah. What do you need help with?" He asked.

"My grandparents told me to meet them at the movies but I have no clue where it is." The boy nodded.

"It's right over there." He pointed to a building that clearly was a movie theater where I knew where it was but I have to stick to my mission right? And if my legend is a teen girl who just moved in with her grandparents and can't tell a movie theater from a library then that's what I gotta be, for the time being anyways. "I actually was just heading there to meet up with a friend. I'll walk you."

"Oh, thank you." I smiled.

"I'm Jake, by the way." He held out his hand for me to take.

"I'm Z." I took his hand and shook it as we walked towards the movies.

"Is Z short for something embarrassing?" He asked.

"No actually it's not. The story as to why I'm named it is." I said.

"What's the story?" He asked when we made it to the movies.

"See, I would tell you but then I would have to kill you." I joked. "Well I better get going and meet up with my grandparents inside."

"I should give you my number. So I could give you a tour of Roseville one day." Jake said with a smile. I nodded in agreement to this. He gave me his number which I wrote down on a slip of paper I manage to find. Jake's friend came out of the movies and put his arm on Jake. "I gotta go. See you around?" I nodded.

"Bye Jake." I said with a smile.

"Bye Z." He said then walked away with his friend.

"Did you get it?" Mom asked behind me. I held up the slip of paper I had it written on and nodded. "Great, let's get back to school then." She linked her arm with mine and the two of us started walking back to school.


Walking downstairs and into the Grand Hall with the sign above the door still saying Dutch, I knew it was still going to be a normal day (because every normal person talks over their morning breakfast in Dutch).

"Z, where were you last night? You didn't come back to the room." Kat asked.

"My mom wanted to talk to me." I answered.

"What did she want to talk to you about?" Lexi asked shoveling a spoon full of cereal into her mouth. "Did she mention a pop quiz?"

"One, don't speak with your mouth full, Madam Poppy will smack you with a ruler if she see you doing so. Two, she want to scold me as a teacher for telling my tail where we were meeting and how I could have gotten everyone killed if it was a real op and not a school assignment and as a mom that she wanted to sneak me out and get ice cream and tell me how she met my dad." I said.

"Did she sneak you out?" Lexi asked. I shook my head remembering what Mom told me. Don't tell anyone we snuck out or about the practice. "Boo. I was hoping that she did and you ended up with a really cute guy's phone number."

"Yeah like that would happen." I scoffed.

"Well at least we don't need to be even more embarrass by running into those boys again." Kat said as if her and embarrass weren't a good mix.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that." Jo chimed in next to me. The tree of us looked at her as she nodded her head towards the doors of the Grand Hall. A group of boys walked threw being led by two people I really wasn't hoping to see till Christmas. Oh and may I remind you that I go to an ALL GIRLS SCHOOL so boys don't go here. I guess that's why it didn't surprise me when all the girls started staring at them like they were alians.

"Hey, Z, isn't that your dad and grandpa?" Jesse asked leaning over the table. My head was already resting on my arms which were on the table. When I looked back up I saw Mom and Grandma walking towards the group of boys.

"Z, get your arms off the table before Madem Poppy see you." Kim hissed threw her teeth but I didn't listen. I was to busy watching my family and a group of boys. Grandma said something to mom which must have been along the lines of take these young men and Zach over to the sophomore table seeing that there is room for them there because next thing I know is that on the other end of the table the group of boys were sitting down while Grandma was scolding Grandpa.

"Z, why didn't you tell us that the boys from DC were going to be joining us?" Danny Keys asked twirling her hair. "I would have actually tried and made my self look presentable."

"As if you could? If you haven't notice, Danny, we are all wearing the same uniform and we can't exactly wear everyday clothes. How would you make yourself presentable?" Alice asked Danny as they walked by. The two started to bicker like a married couple after that.

"As much as I would love to answer your questions, I can't cause I didn't know. Now if you'll excuse me," I said standing up, "I have homework to do." I started walking out of the Grand Hall when Lexi and Kat decided to join me on the walk to the library. Mainly because if I'm not there to answer questions, they turn to them knowing that I will tell these two anything, that's in reason and if I wasn't told to not tell anyone of course. Other than that, I'm an open book to them and they know it.

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