Chapter Twelve

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Sitting in the grand hall that morning was interesting. The six boys from blackthorn didn't sit at their reserved table placed at the end of the sophomore table. Instead they sat wherever since it was only six of them. Morgan sat at the senior table, Kyle sat at the junior table, Powers, Skip, Alex, and Nick sat at the sophomore. (Though I doubt Nick was able to eat breakfast when every sophomore who wasn't Jo, Lexi, Kat, and myself was staring at him like they never seen a boy before.)

Jo was talking about how "everyone should stop staring at Nick like he's a freaking unicorn" and how "Nick needs to grow a pair and stop loving the spotlight because that is how we could end up getting caught if we were in an op." Truthfully it was quite entertaining watching her rant for once. But as normal, all fun and laughter comes to an end. This end just happens to come in the form of a teenage boy who goes to a spy school called Blackthorn and name is Morgan.

"Hey friends of Z. Hello Z." Morgan said squeezing in to the small space between me and Lexi.

"Please, Morgan. Have a seat and tell us what's on your mind." I said sarcastically. Morgan ignored my sarcasm and turned towards Lexi.

"Arm wrestle?" He asked her. Lexi shook her head.

"What's the point? I'll tell you who wins without even wrestling. Also I'm trying to eat. " Lexi said. "Now move, we're talking here." Morgan rolled his eyes and got up walking away.

"Now what were you saying about boys?" I asked. "Something like they're stupid, annoying, and unnecessary?"

"Pretty much, yeah." Jo agreed making us laugh. Mom came bursting threw the doors at that moment making the whole hall grow quiet.

"Morning everyone. Sorry to interrupt but the Sophomore CoveOps class needs to be in the foyer dressed in comfortable clothes in twenty minutes. I suggest they get a move on." Mom said then walked away. The entire table looked at one another before rushing out and towards their rooms forgetting all about breakfast.

Twenty minutes later, the Sophomore CoveOps class was waiting in the foyer with the six Blackthorn boys. Patty and Alice walked by and told Jo, Lexi, Kat, and I—where we were sitting on the steps—to have fun out in Roseville and to make sure to embarrass the boys as much as possible. Mom came out of the grand hall with an apple right before the two left.

"Carter, Jones, stay. You'll be joining us." Mom said then opened the doors and gestured for us to follow her. "Also I hope you all are in comfortable shoes because we will be walking into town."


I could see why Mom chose this day for this assignment, there was going to be a big festival the whole day. It reminded me of when she snuck me out and got me ice cream. Only this was a whole different kind of festival. This wasn't a carnival to celebrate Roseville; this was a festival to celebrate a new school year. I listen to the sounds every year from the window seat. Younger kids like elementary schoolers would come with their families in the morning and throughout the afternoon while high schoolers and some middle schoolers would come during the night and keep the town awake.

Mom handed us our coms which we put in our ears as we walked off in pairs already used to the drill. Lexi looped her arm through mine as we walked past a group of middle schoolers laughing at something.

"You wouldn't be to upset with me if I ditched you as a partner and pair up with Powers instead, would you?" Lexi asked as we stopped at a cross walk. Powers and Alex stopped on the other side and waited.

"Oh so you get a crush and you think it's all good to ditch me for said crush?" I teased. Lexi blushed and started stumbling over her words trying to defend herself as Powers and Alex walked towards us. "Lex, I'm joking. Go flirt with your crush." I pushed her into Powers and then walked away, blending into a group of high schoolers.

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